Chinese smart van system provides seamless automated delivery service
Dunning Kruger Effekt
Why Using ChatGPT As Therapy Is Dangerous
synchron: BCI with stentrodes
Kritisch Denken
An influencer created an AI version of herself
AI Regulation Won't Work...But It Would If
University:Future Festival 2023
KI kapiert - der Podcast
Grimes on AI Songs: ‘Feel Free to Use My Voice Without Penalty’
The Unpredictable Abilities Emerging From Large AI Models | Quanta Magazine
Systematics of Social Media Curation
The Dunning-Kruger effect is (mostly) a statistical artefact:
Artificial Leadership: Digital Transformation as a Leadership Task between the Chief Digital Officer and Artificial Intelligence
GPT AI Enables Scientists to Passively Decode Thoughts in Groundbreaking Study
Episode #179 - Why is consciousness something worth talking about?
Google Cloud Skills Boost
RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era
Künstliche Intelligenz: Große Rechts-FAQ zu ChatGPT
Chain of Thought Prompting
Tree of Thoughts
Constitutional AI: Harmlessness from AI Feedback
How Rogue AIs may Arise - Yoshua Bengio
Ist Europa dabei, sich freiwillig in der KI abhängen zu lassen?
Tesla Bots: Here They Are!
Krieg der Automaten?
The people paid to train AI are outsourcing their work… to AI
Prompt Designer
chopcast | content repurposing platform for webinars and video podcasts
Video Summarization and Note Taking Tool