The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones | Artificial Intelligence | Spark
Chat with GPT-3 AI Models
DEEP MINDS - Podcast über Künstliche Intelligenz
LaMDA and the Sentient AI Trap
Marietta Auer: Wie viel Freiheit die Digitalisierung uns lässt
Chinas Sozialkreditsystem: Das gefährlichste Bonitätssystem der Welt
Today´s Cyborgs?
Joscha Bach: Artificial Consciousness and the Nature of Reality
The Question Concerning Technology (& Social Media) - Heidegger
Argument gegen Identity Theory: Intelligenz braucht kein anthropomorphes Gehirn. Siehe Octopus
Martin Heidegger: the Question Concerning Technology
Maschinenethik und "Artificial Morality"
MegaPortraits: One-shot Megapixel Neural Head Avatars
Machine Learning & Art
The dark secret behind those cute AI-generated animal images
Google´s DALL-E Text-to-Art AI
Meta has built a massive new language AI—and it’s giving it away for free
Online Course AI Ethics
Kreative Avatare: Wie Videospiele die bildende Kunst beeinflussen
Maschinen mit Bewusstsein – Sollten Roboter Rechte haben?
David Chalmers: The Hard Problem of Consciousness
Nick Bostrom: Simulation and Superintelligence
LaMDA | Is google's AI sentient? | Full audio conversation between Blake Lemoine and LaMDA
Google's AI Is Something Even Stranger Than Conscious
Isaac Asimov
SN Artikel Beitrag Harald Russegger
AI + IQ testing (human vs GPT-3 vs J-1 vs PaLM)
Automated discovery of fundamental variables hidden in experimental data
Google´s Teachable Machine