Digital Control and the Social Megamachine - How far along are we in Europe already? (CC-EN)

The magic Circle
Innovega Display Contactlens
Mojo Vision Gave Me a Peek at Eye-Tracking Displays in a Contact Lens
Eine unendliche Diskussion (AI generiert)
Ready Player Me - The World's leading avatar platform
The MetaMovie Presents: Alien Rescue | A Live VR Experience
Metaverse Newscast
A Comprehensive List of Social VR/AR Platforms and Virtual Worlds
Kate Darling | The New Breed: What Our Animal History Reveals For Our Robotic Future
Amazon's new delivery drone
The Web3 Business Use Case Reference List
Ein Mann mit MND/ALS will Cyborg werden
AI Chatbot in VR
Promethean AI Virtual Reality Demonstration
Next-GenerationPilot VR Training
Metaverse Gateway der EU
Interview with Inventor of the Term "Metaverse"
Guter kritischer Blogger zu web3, Metaverse etc
Meet Dramatron: An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool From Deepmind To Write Film Scripts
Two AIs talk about becoming human. (GPT-3)
Anwalt bots?
Midjourney prompt generator
Text-Driven Layered Image and Video Editing
Alle (bekannten) satelliten orbits
Digitale Satire
2.5 D virtual shops