A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A “Turing Test” case study | PLOS ONE

Datenschutzkonformes Interface HAWKI wird mit Open-Source-Sprachmodellen verbunden
View of How Can GenAI Foster Well-being in Self-regulated Learning?
Der ETH-Chatbot Ethel korrigiert auch Übungen – Staffnet | ETH Zürich
Neural Numbers
KI erleben
AI Core Concepts Workshop | IMAGINARY
Scinapse | Get research insight without reading numerous papers
Open Knowledge Maps - A visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge
Litmaps | Your Literature Review Assistant
Connected Papers | Find and explore academic papers
Leitfaden ki zitieren apr 2023
Unterrichtsmaterial - Künstliche Intelligenz
Künstliche Intelligenz KI in der Hochschule, Lehre und Forschung
KI in der Lehre | TU Wien
MagicSchool.ai - AI for teachers - lesson planning and more!
Zu Besuch bei „Hack my Exam“ – ein Erfahrungsbericht
Teach Anything
AI online courses on Unschooler.me powered by GPT-4 with video from YouTube. Learn any skill, create projects and reach your career goal.
Learn anything
AI Course for Educators — AI for Education