A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A “Turing Test” case study | PLOS ONE
Der ETH-Chatbot Ethel korrigiert auch Übungen – Staffnet | ETH Zürich
IU-Forschungsarbeit zeigt: Generative KI kann Studiendauer verkürzen
Künstliche Intelligenz KI in der Hochschule, Lehre und Forschung
Teachers Told Us They've Used AI in the Classroom. Here's Why
Lawinentraining in virtueller Realität - tirol.ORF.at
Sal Khan: How AI could save (not destroy) education
How ChatGPT is transforming the postdoc experience
KI in der Lehre | TU Wien
Toolbox Datenkompetenz – TBDK
Smarter education with ai npuls
GitHub - microsoft/prompts-for-edu
Google Cloud Skills Boost
Teach Anything
AI Course for Educators — AI for Education
Artificial Intelligence Course | MIT Online Program | GetSmarter