Studie zu Deepfakes: So könnt ihr KI-Bilder leichter von echten Fotos unterscheiden
A deep dive into deepfakes that demean, defraud and disinform - Ofcom
Warkus' Welt: Die Philosophie des Bullshits - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Die Sprachbarrieren von künstlicher Intelligenz - ORF Topos
Marktlücke: Chinesische Chatbots als emotionale Stütze | heise online
Generative AI Generation Gap: 70% Of Gen Z Use It While Gen X, Boomers Don’t Get It
AI hysteria is a distraction: algorithms already sow disinformation in Africa | Odanga Madung | The Guardian
Is artificial intelligence a threat to journalism or will the technology destroy itself? | Samantha Floreani | The Guardian
Blueprint discussion paper 2023
Voice Actors Warn Comic-Con Over Rampant AI Threat | Barron's
Entrepreneurship Lab – A Conversation with Professor Geoff Hinton - YouTube
(PDF) Preventing antisocial robots: A pathway to artificial empathy
Lawsuit Claims Google 'Secretly Stealing' Online Data to Train AI
Schau dir "The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023" auf YouTube an
Apocalypse not now? AI’s benefits may yet outweigh its very real dangers | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian
Time End of Humanity? FUD?
Digital-Manifest: Zehn Prinzipien gegen die Entmündigung der Bürger
The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones | Artificial Intelligence | Spark
Google's AI Is Something Even Stranger Than Conscious
Isaac Asimov
SN Artikel Beitrag Harald Russegger
3SAT:Ich rechne, also bin ich - KI und menschliche Identität
Babbage: Could artificial intelligence become sentient?
Future Computers Will Be Radically Different
re:publica 2022: Frederike Kaltheuner: Fake AI
Was wäre wenn: AI Regierung?
Mein Avatar und ich
Chinese smart van system provides seamless automated delivery service
Eliezer Yudkowsky: Dangers of AI and the End of Human Civilization | Lex Fridman Podcast #368