Episode #179 - Why is consciousness something worth talking about?
David Chalmers: The Hard Problem of Consciousness
Nick Bostrom: Simulation and Superintelligence
LaMDA | Is google's AI sentient? | Full audio conversation between Blake Lemoine and LaMDA
The Question Concerning Technology (& Social Media) - Heidegger
Argument gegen Identity Theory: Intelligenz braucht kein anthropomorphes Gehirn. Siehe Octopus
Was ist Qualia?
Richard David Precht - Vorlesung zur Erkenntnistheorie (2011) - Leuphana Universität
Qualia: Kann eine Maschine jemals spüren wie sich Farben anfühlen?
Penrose: Consciousness vs. Computation
From Artificial Intelligence to Superintelligence: Nick Bostrom on AI & The Future of Humanity