The Evolution of Coffee Culture: from Bean to Cup to Lifestyle
Explore coffee's journey from origin to global impact on culture, economy, & sustainability, highlighting its reflection of global legacy & aspirations.
Comment le bon goût s’incarne : le métier méconnu d’aromaticien - Nez le mouvement culturel olfactif
Saveur poulet pour des chips, fraise pour un yaourt ou menthe pour un dentifrice… Derrière les arômes que nous ingérons se cache un métier méconnu. Les aromaticiens jonglent entre les exigences d’une industrie mondialisée et les attentes parfois paradoxales de notre époque en quête de naturel. À l’occasion de la Semaine du goût, nous vous proposons de (re)découvrir cet article initialement paru dans Nez #10 – Du nez à la bouche.
How Caffeine Plays A Role In Altering The Taste Of Soft Drinks
Caffeine's role in our lives seems straightforward. But, in addition to providing that kick of energy, the caffeine in soft drinks is key to their zesty flavor.
The Vast Difference Between Whiskey And Whisky, Explained
You say tomato, I say tomahto -- but whiskey is whisky -- or is it? What, exactly, are the differences between the two spirits? Why do some have that extra "E?"
Dear Fragrantica: Why Are So Many Fragrances Discontinued? ~ Dear Fragrantica (Advice)
They're signaling STOP. But why? And what will happen to us who loved them? Dear Fragrantica aims to provide you with concrete and detailed information on matters that come up again and again in your search in the world of fragrance and to serve as a reference for newbies and seasoned users alike. For instance, I have written about how to make fragrance last longer and project further, as well as how fragrance maturation works and wheth
Downing non-alcoholic beverages leads to a drop in excessive drinking
A new study has found, for the first time, that consuming beverages that taste like beer or cocktails but contain no alcohol can significantly reduce alcohol intake. Replacing alcoholic beverages with non-alcoholic ones may be an effective strategy for helping excessive drinkers cut back on the booze.
Classic Perfumery Ingredients — A Brief Overview ~ Raw Materials
It is challenging, or almost impossible, to create a fragrance without using any of these perfumery ingredients. For the creation of a perfume, in addition to requiring a professional perfumer for the alchemy, combinations, and recombination of ideas, the use of raw materials is essential for crafting a fragrance. From the most classical to the contemporary, we find the ingredients that make up this entire process in nature, s
What makes a good or bad year for wine? It's a question that vexes not only vintners but also scientists, who've long looked to weather conditions to provide the answer.
AI Food Preferences, Emotional Intelligence? Researchers Develop 'Electronic Tongue' That Mimics How Taste Affects What One Eats Based on Wants, Needs | Science Times
Researchers are trying to incorporate emotional intelligence into AI, exemplified in a novel work on an "electronic tongue" that addresses eating habits' physiological and psychological aspects. Read to learn more.
Archaeologists discover 5,000-year-old wine at the tomb of Meret-Neith in Abydos
A German-Austrian team led by archaeologist Christiana Köhler from the University of Vienna is investigating the tomb of Queen Meret-Neith in Abydos, Egypt. She was the most powerful woman in the period ...
The Scientific Reason Some Beer Tastes Like Buttered Popcorn
Here's why you might occasionally taste buttered popcorn when drinking a beer - and why you might want to avoid brews with this flavor, taste preferences aside.
What Is Hybrid Meat And How Does It Differ From Plant-Based Varieties?
While appetites for plant-based meat might be waning, hybrid meat is popping up as a new, climate-friendly alternative to animal products. Here's how it works.
How Odors Warp Our Color Perception - Neuroscience News
Researchers unveiled an intriguing intersection between our sense of smell and color perception, revealing how particular scents can subtly distort our color experiences.