I can barely hear Esther Ngumbi over the roar of greenhouse fans as she shows me around her rooftop laboratory in Morrill Hall. The benches are full of tomato plants, and the tomatoes don't look good. ...
Better vitamin D fortification: Microencapsulation tech from Xampla
Britvic and Yili are among the companies working with new plant-based microencapsulation tech: which could disrupt the way beverages, dairy and other foods and drinks approach the important mission of vitamin fortification.
Smell Talks : IFRA – Réglementation & ingrédients pour la parfumerie - Nez le mouvement culturel olfactif
Aurélie Perrichet et Jennifer Dorts de l'IFRA et Thierry Audibert de la SIPC discutent de la réglementation des ingrédients pour la parfumerie : représente-t-elle une barrière à la création ou une source d’innovation ?
The humble avocado is so much more than just an ingredient in guacamole. This bumpy green fruit has a history steeped in Mesoamerican mythology and folklore.
Is a tomatillo just a green tomato? We delve into everything you ever wanted to know about these two similar sounding fruits that are actually very different.
Plant-based watch: What’s the latest on plant-based in food and beverages
The plant-based industry has faced some serious difficulties in recent years. So, what’s next for animal-free foods and beverages. We bring you the latest…
Interactions Among Key Aroma Compounds and the Influence of Taste Substances on Aroma Perception in Gouda Cheese - ScienceDirect
The compounds 2,3-diacetyl, acetoin, hexanoic acid, and isobutyric acid are key aroma contributors significantly affecting consumer preference for Gou…
Extract toolkit for essential oils: State of the art, trends, and challenges - ScienceDirect
Plant essential oils have a wide range of applications including cosmetics, food, leather, and textiles. Traditional methods employed for essential oi…
Sweeteners and their function in food and drink manufacture
The use of sweeteners to reduce calorie content in food and drink is sometimes controversial, but vital to F&B manufacture. What sweeteners are used and what do they do?
Red and processed meat consumption associated with higher type 2 diabetes risk | University of Cambridge
The findings are published today in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. Global meat production has increased rapidly in recent decades and meat consumption exceeds dietary guidelines in many
Manuka honey reduces breast cancer cell growth by 84% in prelim studies
Manuka honey reduced breast cancer cell growth by 84% without harming healthy cells or causing major side effects, according to preliminary studies. The findings open the door to developing a natural, non-toxic supplementary, or potentially stand-alone, anticancer treatment.
Sehenswürdigkeit: Neues Schokoladen-Museum eröffnet in Warschau - [GEO]
Warschau (tmn) - Neue Sehenswürdigkeit für alle Schokoladenfans: Am Stammsitz des polnischen Schokoladenherstellers E.Wedel in Warschau wird in Kürze das