The great smell-off: TikTok sparks debate on American vs European noses
: The old cliché says it's good to stop and smell the roses. If you believe a series of viral videos, you may appreciate them more if you grew up in the US.
Want to smell the pre-Raphaelites? UK gallery to use scent alongside paintings | Art | The Guardian
An exhibition at Birmingham’s Barber Institute brings an extra dimension to the art by creating the aromas of the English countryside and a Russian church
Vitales ou nocives, les saveurs sont dégustées par tous les êtres vivants. Ce que nous trouvons délicieux aujourd'hui peut s'expliquer à la lumière de notre passé. Responsable du développement de nos récepteurs gustatifs, l'évolution des espèces est à l'origine de nos pratiques culinaires. Ce documentaire en deux parties raconte l'évolution sensorielle du goût.
Salt Reduction in Food Products: A Systematic Review of Clean-Label Ingredients and Non-Thermal Technologies - ScienceDirect
Excessive sodium consumption is a major public health concern associated with chronic diseases. The food industry faces the challenge of developing lo…
Noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruit and by-products: A comprehensive review of its chemical compositions, health-promoting effects, safety assessment and industrial applications - ScienceDirect
Historically, Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) has been esteemed as a "superfruit" because of its nutritional properties and health effects. Recent studie…