Fighting food waste: Scientists find way to keep vegetables fresher for longer
Fighting food waste is one of the most impactful ways we can help to prevent climate change. Now researchers at the University of Bath say they’ve found a way of keeping veggies fresh all the way to our fork.
Development of the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based aroma designer capable of modifying volatile chemical compositions in complex odors | Chemical Senses | Oxford Academic
Abstract. Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are used to produce various commercial products with aromas mimicking natural products. The VOCs responsible fo
Unraveling the aroma profiling of Baijiu: Sensory characteristics of aroma compounds, analytical approaches, key odor-active compounds in different Baijiu, and their synthesis mechanisms - ScienceDirect
More than 2700 trace compounds were reported in Chinese Baijiu. Among these compounds, odor-active compounds (OACs) can directly exhibit sensory chara…
Berry tasty: the fruits emerging from new breeding and processing | Research and Innovation
Supermarkets across Europe offer such regular and wide selections of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries – even in the grip of winter – that it’s easy to take them for granted. But behind the seemingly limitless domestic and foreign supplies on store shelves, the berry sector worldwide is facing a serious threat: increasingly erratic growing conditions sparked by climate change. The result is that berries are more vulnerable to pests, diseases and droughts. Best breeds
‘A real game-changer for Europe’: Plans to loosen rules on genomic techniques pass first hurdle
Proposals to loosen EU rules on gene edited crops have passed a significant barrier after the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee voted in favour of a proposal to introduce a new regulatory framework for New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).