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Coffee and the benefits to your health and wellbeing
Coffee and the benefits to your health and wellbeing
In the mission toward health, coffee has been demonised by many professionals and often non-professionals as something that is not good for you.  In moderation, coffee can be a powerful tool to increase your metabolism, decrease hunger and impact your digestive system.  A little coffee doesn’t have much of an impact on your central nervous system and if you have it in moderation and completely enjoy the process it can be a positive thing for your nervous system.  It may not be for everyone and if you have any concerns, see your doctor. Addiction is the issue with coffee mostly.  It is when people can’t cope without it or have too much of it using it as a stimulant rather than something that is for enjoyment and health.  If you Google the health benefits of coffee you will find some joy in the fact that it’s alright to drink a little bit of it and simply moderate it and avoid addictive behaviours toward it.  Also look at the downside to it if you have too much while being aware that where there is one PHD that says it’s good for you, there will be one that says it’s bad for you so go with manifesting the good side with no more than for example two coffees a day. Women are confused about coffee and let’s face it, the battle of the evidence on both sides can be debilitating but I happen to know that what you think you become so think about coffee as something that is for moderation, health, wellbeing and enjoyment while making sure you consider good quality coffee that has no chemicals in it and embrace this ancient ritual as something that enhances your life and isn’t a crutch.  Don’t be lost in the battle and begin to see that you can and will win the war on the PHD’s by deciding from your own internal governance system that tells you what is alright for you to have and what is not. Coffee and the benefits to your health and wellbeing is republished from
Coffee and the benefits to your health and wellbeing
Overcoming the expectation of perfectionism
Overcoming the expectation of perfectionism
The media and other mediums have caused a mass perfectionism epidemic where women are expected to be perfect all the time.  I know what this is like as the victim of military abuse and having suffered severe trauma and a near death experience.  People think you should be skinny and perfect overnight and better right away, but it doesn’t often work like that.  It’s a journey for all women out there and I want to normalise weight concerns because I’ve had them, so have others out there so don’t be so hung up on what you look like.  Don’t be so perfectionistic toward yourself or others because the world isn’t made perfect.  There are imperfections everywhere and if you happen to have some like most people do, don’t be ashamed of them, be happy that you are unique. Vanity has its grips on the world.  It is destroying the freedom of many women while it’s important to overcome it and love your body and self now, it is just as important to look after yourself.  I know what it’s like to be sabotaged and to be destroyed so I can’t do this for you but in that understand that people will do things that are cruel and inhumane toward women when it comes to looks but you must be greater than any war that is waging in the world and win over the enemy at large which is the ideal image of a woman that has you feel you are not good enough. So when others are expecting you to be perfect as people do me, even given everything I have been through, it’s important not to make excuses but to be kind to yourself, be loving toward yourself and be able to rise in life no matter what occurs so you can live your life, winning the battle against the enemy that tries to take you out of the game because of looks.  Be as stunning as you like, while loving yourself for the true beauty you are and make sure you look after yourself and take time out as I have had to because I was destroyed to be able to be the change you want to see. Overcoming the expectation of perfectionism was originally published to Battle babes fitness
Overcoming the expectation of perfectionism
Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war
Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war
The world has gone image conscious mad. It seems like worth is being placed upon the way women look, what they do and how perfect they seem to be.  It appears that women must be immaculate and thin all of the time to be deemed a worthy woman.  It’s a battle out there for women and the war needs to be won because they are suffering at the hands of a bombardment of images that are deemed perfect when the reality is that perfection is in the eye of the beholder. This war has been waging since the invention of the media and mediums where gossip has taken storm in the world causing women to think that they are never enough because imperfection has been a weapon used against women for generations. In understanding this battle, you begin to see that perfection is internal, it is your internal self and your inner beauty that really counts.  Be as stunning externally as you like, but don’t place your worth on what the war out there is teaching women.  I know it’s difficult, I know you may struggle but don’t look at it if it’s concerning and impacting you.  Just live your life, do what you want and win this war hands down by making sure you look after yourself starting from the inside out. This war is one that women need to win.  Lives are being lost in action for the eating disorders and body dysmorphia while women are losing themselves in the game of perfection while not loving their imperfections.  It’s a long and arduous road for the world to recover from what it has done to women.  There is a lot to answer for, for the way that women are used as pawns in a greed and vanity game where to win this war you must care, but don’t care too much.  Be mindful of your health and wellbeing, accepting that sometimes you may go off the wagon and so what! It’s a fact of life that nobody is absolutely perfect! The following post Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war was first published on Battle Babes Fitness blog
Overcoming vanity and the opinions of others to win the war
Fighting for what you want for great results
Fighting for what you want for great results
Sometimes you have to fight for what you want because the enemy may try to take you out of the health and fitness game.  As you go on this mission, make sure that you remain true to who you are while ensuring you take things head on for results that are what you want.  In doing this you are able to beat the enemy at its own game by fighting for what you know is meant for you.  Sometimes you may lose your footing and be setback and it’s what you do with that setback that matters.  Do you wallow and stay there, or do you rest up, take things on and fight for what you know is meant for you – true health. This is one mission worth embarking on because the way for you to succeed is not always graceful, although you can create it that way as much as you can.  Unfortunately, external forces my attempt to strike you out but you must always remain true to the task at hand and keep going no matter what occurs.  In this article I want to emphasise that the fight is necessary in this day and age because of the amount of temptation in the world, the bombardment of advertisements, the media, social media and the endless list of things that stop women from succeeding at the health mission. Being wiped out happens sometimes so make sure you re-group and get yourself back on track and that is who Battle Babes is for also.  It is for those who have been struggling and who want to get back on track or starting out so you can win the war on weight, body image and fitness.  You can win this war hands down and if you fight sometimes, you will get through any resistance to make way for a life that is healthy, amazing and very much about loving your body and self no matter where you have been and embracing your mission for where you are going. Fighting for what you want for great results is republished from Battle babes fitness
Fighting for what you want for great results
The process of getting back on track after a setback
The process of getting back on track after a setback
In life we are all human and, in this mission, it’s important to understand and appreciate that you can’t be perfect all the time.  Things happen in life and your quality of life depends on your health, while don’t be to upset if you let yourself go or you for reasons outside of yourself struggle.  When it comes to your weight, it isn’t a reflection of you and the person you are regardless of what society has conditioned you to think and the bombardment of images from the media have you feel about yourself.  I know what it’s like to struggle and to have setback after setback and the best thing you can do for yourself is to love your body and self no matter what because being a prisoner of the war on weight, body image and fitness will only impact your mental health and have you unable to connect when you truly need to with others.  These insights will assist you to find ways to overcome the thoughts about yourself in the instance of a setback and get back on track with power and precision: The mirror and scales are not the enemy. The enemy is the thinking that you aren’t good enough and that you are not a good person for letting yourself go. It is the negative self-talk or external talk of others that may have you think that you are not where you are supposed to be, but you are right where you are meant to be – turning things around.  As you use the mirror and scales, notice your thoughts and how you feel about yourself and take the time to give yourself some love instead of hatred so you can win the war on weight, body image and fitness for a life that is amazing and profound as I know you may have been haunted for most of your life by these thoughts.  Be sure to embrace the power of reframing for a mind that works for your greater good. Reframe your thoughts to manifest what you want. I write about this a lot, and reframing is one of my favourite things to do because the enemy may try to make you think things about yourself that simply are not true but can become true if you allow the negative thoughts to rule you. As you reframe your thoughts, you turn a negative into a positive by thinking or writing down the opposite of what you think or even what other people say and balance your emotions for outcomes that are profound. When you change your thoughts, you change your mind. Know what you want. As you know where you are going and what you want your mission seemingly impossible becomes possible. It becomes something that you are able to achieve in milestones so seek professional assistance to set some goals if you need help and go about methodically and systematically achieving them with precision.  As you know where you are going, you may come across some obstacles so be sure to embrace them as part of the journey and live your life with health and win the war on weight, body image and fitness by having a health vision for yourself to be the best you can be. The process of getting back on track after a setback was originally seen on
The process of getting back on track after a setback
What to do if you lose your momentum and how to get back on track
What to do if you lose your momentum and how to get back on track
When it comes to health, many women lose momentum and their routine sometimes and it’s not the end of the world.  It is an opportunity to learn, grow and evolve while looking at your habits and behaviours knowing that the world doesn’t revolve around the way you look but your health is up there with one of the most important things in lives.  In times of Covid and a more sedentary way of life, it can be difficult to manage your health so these insights will assist you to regain momentum and get back on track: Seek professional guidance. It is important to understand that it’s alright to ask for help. It is alright to admit you don’t have it all together and you might just need some external guidance to be able to support your long-term health goals.  When asking for help, make sure you seek someone who is compassionate with you and is about body love, not being just about being thin but health being the most important thing.  We all backslide at times, so be gentle with yourself because phases of life may seem unkind so surround yourself with help you know will be kind. Be alright with yourself regardless. Let’s face it, things happen such as Covid kilos, hormones, poor choices at times and stress or other things that are conducive to weight gain and ill health. The thing to remember is that your body shape and size means nothing about you, but your mental health and the way you view yourself means everything to your wellbeing. Be alright with yourself at the times of life you may age, your shape and body may change and make sure that you love yourself and your body for the phases it goes through and don’t succumb to social pressure and expectations and do subscribe to living for your own true wellbeing in body and mind the way you are and into the way you want to be. Establish a new or restored routine. Routine can be everything. I know having had Covid, hormones running rife and life challenges that it can be difficult at times.  It’s important to not try to push yourself too hard to begin with but to establish a routine that you can stick to for the rest of your life.  This is something that I find easy most of the time but sometimes we have to admit when the enemy forces get us, and we just can’t do what we did before at the level we did so we must scale it back and begin again or from where you are at.  So, begin your new routine or restore your old one depending on where you are at but don’t let anything get in the way of your results, not the opinion of others or your own self-doubt.  Be the type of woman who gets up in the morning and no matter what is happening, go with it and restore your health while making sure you enjoy a long-term sustainable routine. The following post What to do if you lose your momentum and how to get back on track is available on
What to do if you lose your momentum and how to get back on track
Exercise and overcoming depression for improved quality of life
Exercise and overcoming depression for improved quality of life
Let’s face it, often if you are depressed the last thing you want to do is exercise, but I can assure you that it’s something that will change your mood.  When it comes to partaking in exercise, moving your body will invoke as most already know, endorphins and counteract the impacts of cortisol production while getting you outside, amongst people and life.  I know what this is like after going through life challenges, hormonal changes and my life not turning out the way I thought it would while also in these trying times with Covid circulating the world and other pressures as a woman.   Weight gain often comes with the lack of motivation, and it becomes more difficult to get moving but the thing to remember is that any setback can be treated like a step forward because if you look, you can learn from your depressive thoughts, feelings and emotions and find a gift in it to be able to move powerfully forward and get moving again.  These insights will assist you to overcome depression for improved quality of life: Realise it’s a journey. Most people these days are looking for a quick fix to their problems but overcoming depression with exercise isn’t an overnight thing. I of course believe in miracles but know that for most people it’s a journey of re-establishing your routine and embrace the journey because it takes effort, I know to be able to get back out there, get going and get doing what you want to do again.  When you realise it’s a journey, you are more patient and understand you need to take actions toward feeling better and if you start small and build up, you will find over time you begin to feel better, your body functions better and you are able to feel the endorphins you are seeking. Start small and build up. You don’t need to thrash yourself to feel endorphins when it comes to exercise. Of course, if a good hard workout is what you respond to and you are ready for it go for it but don’t think that you need to go hard to begin with to feel the healing effects of exercise.  Just starting is the first thing and then build gradually up to a place where you consistently feel the effects of your hard work.  I know it’s so confusing in this day and age about how much exercise to do to gain results so seek professional assistance where needed to guide you and make sure you take it one step at a time being kind to yourself for the impact of exercise to improve your quality of life. Allow yourself to feel pleasure. Depression often makes people feel like they aren’t allowed to or able to feel a sense of pleasure. Exercise will bring you pleasure and so will the results it creates in your body so be sure to allow yourself the joy and pleasure you can experience by partaking in it regularly.  Pleasure is something that is not just for the lucky people, all people are able to experience it if you put your mind to it.  I know right!  You may not feel like doing the hard work to get where you want to go but think about the results you will create by getting going and getting into it while making sure you look after yourself and seek professional guidance where required. Exercise and overcoming depression for improved quality of life was originally published on Anna Maria Lang's fitness blog
Exercise and overcoming depression for improved quality of life
Lifes pressures and stopping out running emotional eating
Lifes pressures and stopping out running emotional eating
How are you when it comes to life’s pressures and emotional eating?  I know some women reach for food when stressed and others are the opposite.  This is for those who reach for food in times of pressure.  Let’s face it!  Fighting those demons can be a difficult thing and the only thing that can seem to soothe the emotions is food.  You know that feeling of peace that comes over you for a moment that can lead to regret and weight gain if it is a frequent thing.  Life moves in cycles and it’s important to understand that while seeking consistency and sustainable results.  If you can understand your behaviours, you will be able to master your emotional eating and find ways to find peace through other means.  These insights will assist you to overcome life’s pressures that may lead you to emotional eating:   Know what your triggers are. Many women aren’t aware of their triggers so they don’t know when they are in the midst of a cycle where they may be seeking food to find peace. Get to know what happens right before you reach for food and understand that you won’t be perfect all of the time, but you can calm your emotions in other ways when you understand what triggers your emotional eating.  Triggers can be external or internal things so be sure to not surround yourself with triggering people, things or thoughts and allow yourself some grace in life to be able to calm eat and find your balance. Change your environment to reduce life’s pressures. The moral of the story here is to not expose yourself to the things that trigger you as much while additionally working on your triggers to be able to do whatever you like in the future. Healing is the key to success when it comes to mastering your emotional eating but don’t put yourself under undue stress if you don’t need to.  Who can you let go of in your life that trigger you and what habits, behaviours and environments can you change to allow yourself some peace?  At least until you are able master your emotional eating and find balance. Know you can do it and place your attention on what you want instead. When you know you can overcome emotional eating and place your attention on what you want, you get to find peace over it. I’m not saying that you will never emotionally eat again as perfectionism isn’t what this is about and being a realist will help you love yourself at times when your emotions run the show. As you focus on what you want, you create more of that, and you begin to attract to you situations where you are better able to manage.   You don’t need to heal in an instant, each change is a win so know you are worthy and make small adjustments over time to a place where you are managing your emotional eating, focusing on what you want and living for balance to win the war on weight, body image and fitness. The post Life’s pressures and stopping out running emotional eating is courtesy of Battle babes fitness
Lifes pressures and stopping out running emotional eating
Your weight and looks dont determine your worth
Your weight and looks dont determine your worth
When it comes to your weight, how do you feel about what it means? Do you make it mean you are worthy if you are thin and unworthy if you gained weight?  In this mission, it’s important to understand that your weight doesn’t reflect anything about you when it comes to worth.  Yes, you may be wearing your emotions and trauma on your body, or you may simply eat more than your body needs for no reason except you like food.  Whichever it is for you, just know that you are a perfect human being regardless and your worth is determined by your inner self and not the way you look. Who ever decided in history that women’s physical appearance would be something that is important when it comes to attracting opportunities, a partner, worth and what you want out of life?  It really makes no sense if you think about where it all started – with human constructs of the mind.  Meaning it’s all made up.  These insights will assist you to know your worth that is more than your body and understand that weight is an ever-changing thing and if you place your worth on it, you may find yourself in states of perpetual unworthiness: Your body is not your business card. Opportunity seems to often knock on the doors of those are thin right? That’s what society has created as something women believe because the ideal life often involves an image of a thin woman with it all. Well, it’s not really about these women’s body, it’s about how they often think about themselves while it is a fact of society that there is an image that is projected through the media and other means that says that when you are skinny you have made it.  Well, that’s not true.  If you are being discriminated against for your body and made to feel unworthy by others when it comes to opportunity, make sure you stand up for yourself because your body is not your business card.  It is simply a vehicle that holds your beautiful soul for which you can look after and do your best to be well. Stay away from people who are only looks oriented. One sure way to destroy your worth is to be with or around people who are only looks oriented who place their connection with you on the way you look. I know, I have been there and at times you don’t look what they deem to be attractive and thin they disappear or they are embarrassed by you which seems like it’s a bad thing at the time but know it’s the best thing that can happen to you.  You know where you stand, and you get to find people who adore you for you.  Relationships based on looks place undue pressure on you and etch away at your worth because I know deep inside you want to be accepted for who you are in entirety.  I’m not saying don’t look stunning, what I am saying is don’t base relationships on physical aspects or be around those who do because your worth depends on it. Of course, hang out with healthy people, but make it from a place of worthiness and belonging. Life phases happen so accept them. If you are placing your worth on your body, you may find you struggle as you age or things happen where your body may change.  I know this well and was thin most of my life and when things happened to me and my body changed, I had to accept that unless I wanted to starve myself, my body just wouldn’t morph into my former 20-year-old body.  These phases can pass, and the moral of this story is that it’s imperative you place your worth on your internal self and not the way you look because bodies can change and looks can change.  Don’t get out of the game if you go through a phase, do what you can with your exercise and eating and ride out the phase while loving your body and knowing you are worthy no matter what. The following article Your weight and looks don’t determine your worth was first published on Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
Your weight and looks dont determine your worth
Understanding the pitfalls of rapid weight loss
Understanding the pitfalls of rapid weight loss
So many women are seeking a quick fix and trying to lose weight through extreme measures for rapid weight loss.  Let’s face it… there are many promises of an ideal life once you lose the weight really fast and thoughts that you will be happy when you reach the magic number on the scales.  I’m here to tell you that there are no quick fixes and immediate gratification will most likely get you into metabolic trouble. Rapid weight loss often leads to rapid weight gain and often more than you started because it’s impossible to maintain the extreme measures you go through to achieve the rapid result while additionally this causes your metabolism often to slow down.  Rapid weight loss is glorified and celebrated when slow weight loss should be the method by which you lose the weight if that is what you want to do. These insights will assist you to understand the pitfalls of rapid weight loss and find balance so you can lose weight if that is what you want to do: Starvation causes a stress response in your body causing weight gain. Your nervous system, food intake and stress over food can be directly related and when you choose to go on a fad diet seeking rapid weight loss, you place undue stress on your body and your mind.Starvation causes the activation of your sympathetic nervous system which is the centre for stress in your body that can cause weight loss resistance or weight gain.  You might find you rapidly lose weight to begin with while in time you may find yourself not being able to lose weight because stress on your body and in your mind can cause weight loss resistance or weight gain. Cycles of weight loss and gain are usually the biproduct of rapid weight loss. If you are on a cycle of weight loss and gain it could be because you are losing weight in the wrong way. You may be losing it too quickly and although you may feel somewhat better there can be some damage done to your metabolism as a result of the constant diet cycle.  It is important to find a balanced eating plan that is conducive to your results and lifestyle.  Of course, weight can fluctuate and what I am talking about here is the rapid weight loss that leads to rapid weight gain that has you struggle physically and mentally. Rapid weight loss and cyclic dieting can cause metabolic damage. As you lose weight in cycles of weight loss and gain through rapid weight loss and quick fixes, you damage your metabolism leaving it sluggish and struggling. It may seem difficult to believe, but food is your friend when it comes to weight loss and sustaining your weight.  When I say sustaining your weight, I don’t mean to stay the exact number on the scale at all times, what I mean is to train your metabolism to keep you within your own healthy and desired weight range that has you feel energetic, healthy and living life. Rapid methods just don’t work long term and seeking quick fixes can cause you to suffer so make sure you seek professional guidance to be able to balance your life and achieve long term health regardless of the number on the scale causing your metabolism to flourish. The post Understanding the pitfalls of rapid weight loss is republished from Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
Understanding the pitfalls of rapid weight loss
Have compassion & empathy for you and others
Have compassion & empathy for you and others
In a world where fat shaming is sometimes a sport for people, it is important to be the type of woman who is about compassion and empathy for yourself and others.  Often women fat shame themselves and along with the stress and social pressures of the shaming others do, it can be a very stressful time if you gain weight.  It is important in the body image and body love mission to ensure you see that others shaming is only a reflection of them and to let it ride on by because others’ opinions don’t really count.  It is your opinion that matters and if you have an opinion of yourself that is not healthy for you and is about shaming yourself then now may be a good time to make some changes.  As you age, it is rare that women are as thin as they used to be while they can be.  People don’t know truly what someone who has gained weight is going through or has gone through, so it is such a gift to be compassionate and have empathy for yourself and others.  These insights will assist you to gain compassion and empathy for your situation and with others because as you judge you shall be judged: Appreciate your weight gain while making changes. When it comes to weight gain, I know you want to hate it and I know it’s difficult to see that loving your body can help you heal it and lose weight. The stress of body hate can cause you to diet, temporarily lose weight and gain weight within itself. So be sure to appreciate any weight gain, know that it doesn’t mean anything about you that is negative and it’s not the end of the world if you gain a few kilograms.  As you see that there are lessons and the weight has served you in some way, you get to own what you have done to your body, see it as something you can learn from and move on permanently while understanding that weight fluctuates so have some compassion and empathy for yourself and others. Deal with unresolved trauma to heal the real problem. So many people think weight is a weight issue when it most often is trauma or unresolved and undigested life experiences that are at play. Now I know… there may also be a stigma around not being ‘perfect’ in this day and age when it comes to mental health.  But understand that compassion and empathy can go a long way in your life and for your weight loss because releasing the stress and pressure trauma puts on your body can be life changing.  Even if you never lost another kilogram in your life, isn’t it better to live your life in a state of gratitude and joy regardless.  While with the right strategy, healing, compassion and empathy for all past hurt and pain you begin to find yourself and take inspired actions toward your ultimate health.  Seek professional guidance to heal your past hurt and trauma. Have compassion and empathy for others. As you understand that weight is just an accumulation of habits and unresolved life experiences, you get to see that it’s not about being skinny anymore – it’s about being free. As you have more compassion and empathy for others, you will notice you have more for yourself and vice versa.  As you look into the world you are telling yourself things about yourself by what you think of others.  So, in having compassion and empathy for others, you begin to have more compassion and empathy for yourself and you set yourself and others free because your commitment to being free overcomes all shaming.  Just live your life and go about your life while including health as a priority so you can live with vitality giving yourself and others the gift of compassion and empathy. The blog post Have compassion & empathy for you and others was originally published to Battle babes fitness
Have compassion & empathy for you and others
Embracing your youth for body love now
Embracing your youth for body love now
In life, it is very easy when you are young to hate on your body and self.  I consider this life and time wasted because as you age, you may look back and wish you appreciated your weight, body and fitness for the way it was because they may fade, or it may become more difficult to maintain.  Don’t spend your youth wasting it on hating your body and self and don’t be one of those women who looks back in the future and wishes you enjoyed what you had.  If you already have done that, this will assist you also while if you are doing it, make sure you consider the impact on your self-esteem if you don’t make some changes now.  Of course, your looks need not fade as beauty is ever present no matter what you look like, while so many women struggle in their teens and beyond and age or things change, and they wish they had loved their bodies and embraced themselves in entirety the entire time.  What are you like when it comes to your body now? What about your body in the past?  Have you always loved and embraced your body, or do you look back and wish you appreciated it when it was easier to maintain a healthy weight?  These insights will assist you to embrace who you were, who you are and who you are becoming:   Don’t live with regret, just love the past and forget. Too many women look back and compare themselves and body to the way they used to be.  It is important that you learn from your past, appreciate all that has occurred and then move powerfully forward because you can’t change what occurred, but you can most certainly adjust things now and for your future.  When you look back wishing you had appreciated your body or you are in your youth and not appreciating your body now, you cause yourself undue stress and put unrealistic pressures on yourself. The best thing to do is to accept yourself for the way you are, make a plan to make changes if this is what you want and stop trying to morph yourself into a teenager and start embracing the journey of health in entirety for a new way of life that has you free from your past, embracing the now and living for a great future. Take care of your body and appreciate it now so you avoid regret. What do you want to do and wear that you know you deep down would love to that embraces your body and causes you to know you are good enough and beautiful in it? What have you been holding back on trying to hide away your body and self because you don’t think you are good enough or thin enough?  Most likely you look better than you think and in that, it’s important to understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Be humble in your approach to your beauty while being inspired to express yourself for the true you who wants to be loved and adored for your inner self and soul over your body while wearing what you want and appreciating your body now and avoiding regret. No matter what your past looks like, it is now and the future that matters. We’ve all done it. That’s right – I believe we have all had regret over not appreciating our bodies when we were younger and more youthful no matter what age you might be.  Where did you think you are fat when you were perfect and although all of us have curves and bumps in places that we may not appreciate all of the time, you must consider that in the future as you age, you may find that it’s more difficult to maintain so why not appreciate your body now and for the future.  Regardless of what phase you are at in your life, make sure you love and adore yourself in entirety for the beauty you are from within while looking after your body in the best way you know how at any phase by loving it and making sure you appreciate every part of it now and into the future. The article Embracing your youth for body love now is available on
Embracing your youth for body love now
What is mental fitness and what does it mean
What is mental fitness and what does it mean
When I talk about fitness, I am talking about mental fitness and also fitness for joy.  As someone who has had all of the obstacles you could think of thrown my way when it comes to aligning with a fit life, I came to the realisation that it’s not about being skinny and obsessively fit, it is about the quality of your life based on your thoughts about yourself.  That is why Battle Babes is about mental fitness. So many people use pain to leverage themselves and to take action focusing on the pain and not being fat to the point where eventually, the focus comes to a point where you may have become exactly what you didn’t want.  I know from someone who has had mental health challenges and weight issues including an eating disorder that it’s not an overnight process to heal and it can take a long time to restore your body’s equilibrium, so it is important to focus on mental fitness first, loving your body now, your thoughts about yourself and take actions from a place of peace and adoration for who you truly are.  These insights will assist you to understand what mental fitness is and what it means to be mentally fit: Your mental fitness is about your stamina and capability to deal with life’s challenges. Physical fitness often comes from mental fitness and understanding that being super fit isn’t always the answer to being mentally fit but it can be if you choose it to be a by-product of your decisions and actions. Physical stamina can impact your mental stamina most certainly while mental stamina isn’t dependent of physical fitness.  I say this because injuries and other things may occur causing you to not be able to exercise or as much and if you are dependent of exercise for your worth, stamina and mental fitness, you may find you struggle and can’t seem to cope.  Mental fitness is derived from you.  It is a human construct that gives you the capability to deal with life’s challenges in a way that is powerful and has you able to overcome all obstacles that may come your way.  It is your inner resilience and ability to withstand any challenge and get right back up no matter how long it takes to be focused on mental fitness over physical fitness while doing what brings you joy. Your mental fitness is about thinking kind things about yourself. So many women berate themselves and use negativity to leverage themselves by hating their bodies into submission and being skinny. I understand that if you have been doing this, you may not know another way or you may fear losing your footing and gaining weight because you have spent so much time hating your body into looking a way you think will get you what you want in life.  The key to mental fitness is to think kind things about yourself and tell yourself you are worthy and deserving while leveraging yourself from a positive space while understanding that results come from your decisions, commitments and actions you take.  Kindness relieves the pressure you put on your nervous system and reduces stress over your weight while assisting in the weight loss process.  It makes way for a new approach that may take some time to shift your thoughts and behaviours from and you might just find that you become happy no matter what shape or size you are. Your mental fitness is about loving who you are internally. If you place your levels of love on the external, you may find as you go through different seasons and phases in your life where weight fluctuates you will struggle with self-love. When you place love on external factors that most certainly can enhance your life but are not the crucial ingredient to love – your internal dialogue, mental fitness and ability to love who you are in essence is.  Loving yourself internally means loving your thoughts, feelings and emotions.  I’m not going to tell you that you will be positive all of the time because that’s not realistic.  It’s what you do with your thoughts, feelings and emotions that counts and this is what mental fitness is all about.  It is about making sugar free lemonade out of lemons, and it is about making your setbacks, challenges and negative thoughts mean something powerful. As you love your internal self, you begin to love your external self more and more because you know your worth is not based on your looks, weight, image and fitness levels, it is based on so much more than that and is something that can’t be taken away – your deep soul and true love for yourself.  Your mental fitness is derived from your deep inner power and knowing that you can overcome anything and when you trust in this power, you can physically achieve what you want in time. The article What is mental fitness and what does it mean was originally published to Battle Babes Fitness blog
What is mental fitness and what does it mean
Love is for everyone and all shapes and sizes
Love is for everyone and all shapes and sizes
In watching movies and dating shows, it seems the world is portraying that love is only for the ones who look what society might say or think is like the young, glamorous and ideal woman.  They are filled with thin, glamorous people who may or may not be nice people portraying that soul mates might only come in those packages. When it comes to body image and loving your body this is not about not being healthy where possible, it is about embracing yourself and knowing that you don’t need to morph into an ideal woman to find love.  You don’t need to wait until you reach your goal to allow love into your life.  While it is important while you are on the quest for love to ensure you attract your soul mate and make sure he is supportive of your health but don’t confuse looks for being lovable.  These insights will assist you to know you are lovable no matter what while ensuring you work each day toward your goals: Embrace your body while taking action toward your goals. You don’t need to be model looking to be worthy of love.  This doesn’t mean you should let yourself go and not take action toward your dreams.  What it does mean is that it’s important to know who you are deep inside over your looks and if the man you are dating or with doesn’t love you for you, and only wants your looks then it’s time to take stock and make some changes if that is what you want toward being loved for the real you.  As you embrace your body the way it is now and work toward your goals, it is imperative to your mental health and quality of life that you are adored not for your looks but for your deep and loving soul. Date now, not when you reach the magic number on the scales. I know it might seem difficult to date or be in a relationship when you may not be completely happy with yourself and your body.  The thing is, get happy with it while taking healthy actions and finding the man who loves you warts and all.  Happiness doesn’t hinge on the way you look, while health can most certainly enhance your life and make you feel more joyful, it’s not the defining factor in you being worthy and deserving of the love you are meant for.  So many women miss out on true love because of the way that they think they look and what society might be projecting is perfection and who gets love.  Be the type of woman who has courage and who loves their body now and makes life happen in all seasons and phases of life. Choose the man who wants you for you. I know that it may be difficult for you to feel loved for you.  Society has often portrayed the ideal life as skinny, glamorous, and perfect.  But life just isn’t like that as what is perfection anyways and that is not where happiness is derived from, it comes from you as a human construct that can be decided on each day and moment regardless of how difficult it might seem to do so.  As you go about choosing your life partner, make sure he wants you for you.  Make sure he doesn’t want you for your looks, body or any material aspects because the quality of your life is hinging on making the right choice or continuing to choose the one you have.  Find the man who loves you and your body just as much if not more than you do and embrace the fact that perfection is in the present moment, not some day in the future when you may have achieved your goals.   The post Love is for everyone and all shapes and sizes was originally published to Battle Babes Fitness blog
Love is for everyone and all shapes and sizes
3 ways to manage your health during the holiday season
3 ways to manage your health during the holiday season
Let’s face it, it is near on impossible to resist temptation at holiday times.  The thing is that most people let themselves go a little over the holiday season while it’s important to not be on a diet or restrictive, it is very important to focus on health and to not overindulge too much.  I’m not going to tell you to not enjoy yourself a little more in the form of eating things you wouldn’t usually over the holiday season, but I will encourage you to consider the consequences if you let it go too much or if you can’t seem to get back on track.  If you have been dieting or restricting too much, it is times like the holiday season that you may find you just can’t help yourself or you might have planned for a little weight gain and be alright with it.  It’s really not a big deal!  That’s right, it’s important to know that you are allowed to embrace the holiday season while understanding that if you gain weight, for health reasons you will need to consider losing it if you want to.  These insights will assist you to manage your health during the holiday season: Limit the times you indulge. It may be tempting to indulge at every social event and let yourself go just because it is the holiday season. This is no excuse for losing your footing while knowing that it’s important to choose your events wisely where you let it go a little. Be sure to not be the type of woman who is obsessive and dieting while forgoing over consumption of alcohol and food and moderating it at the events you choose to let it go a little.  If you feel like you are on a diet, you may find yourself feeling like an outsider and unable to embrace the season for what it is while making your time during the holiday season not about alcohol and food but about the love and connection you have with other people. Release the stress and relax. The stress of restricting while others are indulging can be the very thing that impacts your appetite and digestive system causing you to be hungrier at these times of year.  When you stress and obsess you put pressure on your nervous system triggering a chain reaction impacting your metabolic system.  Stressing out over your eating or non-eating can become more of an issue than the eating itself because stress can cause you to store weight on your body so if you are stressing about eating too much or not eating you are not embracing the holiday season for what it is – lots of fun! Focus on your goals. Don’t forget your goals at holiday time. Too many women forgo their goals for excuses they are on holidays and let themselves go in a way that takes a lot to reverse.  It can be easy to lose sight of what you are working toward and even if you let yourself go for a bit, make sure you have a plan to get back on track starting one step at a time as soon as you can.  Your goals are there to keep you accountable and on track so see any setback as a learning experience and move powerfully forward toward what you know you truly want.  Your goals are worth having while making sure you focus on your outcomes and giving up the diet mentality for freedom. 3 ways to manage your health during the holiday season was first published to Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
3 ways to manage your health during the holiday season
Overcoming patterns of attraction for freedom
Overcoming patterns of attraction for freedom
Everyone has patterns of attraction that are derived from your thinking. To win the war on weight, body image and mental fitness, it is important to notice your patterns and work on them so you can change your behaviour. If you aren’t willing to dig deep and look at what you are attracting and creating, you will be doomed to repeat unhealthy patterns that don’t serve you over and over again.  In this mission, make sure you seek professional guidance to be able to identify your patterns of attraction and work toward a new way of approaching things to win this war hands down.  These insights will assist you to overcome your patterns of attraction and find some freedom:   Notice your behaviours and shift and adjust. When you notice you are doing something that doesn’t ultimately serve you, it’s important to pay attention to what is happening in your mind and then change your behaviours based on that.  Too many women think they are stuck with the patterns they are attracting into their lives, but you are not.  Shifting and adjusting your behaviours takes learning from the past and knowing you can change. Learn from your past. As you notice your behaviours and you want to shift and adjust to be able to create a new behaviour, you must learn from the past and see how it served you to this date and then powerfully move forward. Learning from the past allows you to understand yourself and your past behaviours to become self-aware and capable of shifting and adjusting to be free of the old pattern forever. Be confident you can change. Too many people believe that leopards can’t change their spots. That is a fallacy because all behaviours are human constructs and a compilation of decisions, thoughts, feelings and emotions that were created by people, influences and environments.  You may need to ask for a miracle every day and shift and adjust every day if you have deep programming, but you can find ways to feel confident that you can change. If you think you can’t you won’t but if you think you can you will.  Ask and you shall receive. The blog post Overcoming patterns of attraction for freedom is republished from Battle Babes Fitness blog
Overcoming patterns of attraction for freedom
3 ways to overcome diet mentality for freedom
3 ways to overcome diet mentality for freedom
In this day and age, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of dieting.  Even when you think you aren’t on a diet, you might find that you deep down truly are.  It’s a challenge to find your balance sometimes and it can be a painful journey if you are unable to find your groove with your eating patterns.  So many eating plans disguise themselves and are really diets and it’s any wonder so many women are struggling in a world that is not set up often for success when it comes to balance.  Diets can put you into a spiral and they can cause you to lose and gain weight on a yo yo while you try to do the right thing for yourself, you may find yourself at a loss.  These insights will assist you to overcome the diet mentality and help you find your groove with your eating and mental health: Seek professional guidance. The first thing I want to encourage you to do is find a non-diet professional who can help you to get off the cycle, restore your metabolism and your mental and physical balance. The right professional, can help you to find a way through what you may be facing and assist you with getting in the health over looks game.  When you seek professional guidance, you set yourself up for success and have support that you need to be able to learn to love your body and live your life the way you are meant to. Try different approaches and find what works for you. Any professional will have you try different things until you find what works for you and has lasting results. Sustainability is important and know that it may take a few tries at different things for you to be able to find your groove and what makes you feel healthy, be healthy and have a healthy mind.  One size never fits all which is what can make the non-diet approach so difficult to master but you can, and you will find a way of life the suits you.  Don’t fall for a quick fix approach that promises you the world but comes at a metabolic and mental cost. Give up the quick fix mentality. I know you want weight loss now, right? But that is not how health works.  It’ a long term game and you are playing it so it’s best to think about what you can sustain for the rest of your life, not what brings you the quickest results in the shortest amount of time.  Being thin isn’t everything although sometimes it might feel like that, but health is very important so make sure you embrace your body the way it is and love it into the way you want it to be if you even want to make changes.  Giving up the quick fix mentality can change your life because your life becomes about the long game in all ways so your patience is something that will change your life. 3 ways to overcome diet mentality for freedom is republished from Anna Maria Lang's fitness blog
3 ways to overcome diet mentality for freedom
3 keys to understanding why looks arent everything
3 keys to understanding why looks arent everything
There is an epidemic on this planet that has women think that looks are everything.  You know that feeling that your dream man will arrive once you lose the weight, you will have your dream life when you look a certain way, and your life will all fall into place if you could just morph yourself into looking like your favourite Hollywood star?  There is much more to life than the way you look and by saying this, I’m not saying to let yourself go, it’s quite the opposite actually.  I’m saying to look after yourself, morph into the best version of yourself and model success from others but don’t try to be like anyone but you.  Too many women place their worth on their looks when your worth is derived from much more than that.  These insights are designed to assist you to overcome the ‘looks are everything’ epidemic and begin to see you are beautiful no matter what you look like: Your worth hinges on your heart and soul. I happen to know that many women struggle because they think that their body and looks is the thing that other people, particularly men or a man want. We are bombarded with images in the media and other realms of what I call the ‘ideal woman’ that is projected that when you look like her, all your dreams will come true.  I am here to tell you that all of your dreams can come true now.  You might need to do some work to get there and when you look to your heart and soul, you get to see that you are winning in this mission by seeing your worth hinges on following your dreams and looking stunning might be part of it but it’s not the be all and end all of your overall goals. Your body and looks are not your business card. There is a myth that the supposed good-looking thin woman will get more opportunities in life and particularly their career. Your body may speak volumes of your past behaviours, non-behaviours or habits but it isn’t and shouldn’t be the thing that depicts whether you are chosen for opportunities or whether you decide to go for things in life.  Many industries portray beauty as being part and parcel with success, but true success comes from within and your body and looks are not your business card, your intellect, drive, skills and other aspects of who you truly are, are the key to your success. You deserve the love of self. In executing this mission, you get to see that looks aren’t everything. You must know that you are stunning regardless of what you think you look like now and loving your body and self comes with a great amount of joy and peace that may just be the answer to you losing some weight and shaping up in a way that is lasting.  Your looks and body are not everything and your dreams do not hinge on them, what hinges on them is your decisions, commitments and actions toward what you are meant for in this life and that is to have it all in the way that you and only you deem is acceptable. The following article 3 keys to understanding why looks aren’t everything was first seen on
3 keys to understanding why looks arent everything
Its ok to want to lose weight while loving your body now
Its ok to want to lose weight while loving your body now
Many women in the movement of loving your body now may feel guilt or as if it is wrong to want to lose weight.  They may feel like they are defying the movement because they want to be thinner or fitter, but you are not.  You are made to be healthy and look after your body so on this journey of body love and winning the war on weight, body image and fitness, make sure you go deep inside and ask yourself what you truly want.  There is no need to feel any guilt or shame over wanting to lose weight.  Don’t think that because you want to lose weight that there is something wrong with you and you aren’t loving your body because eating well and exercising are a reflection of loving your body now.  This doesn’t mean you have to be super thin if you don’t want to.  What it means is that you must start to look at your health and body love while focusing on that over hating your body into the results you want.  These insights will assist you to be ok with wanting to lose weight while still loving your body now: Loving your body includes healthy habits. Your body is your temple and the thing that will keep you going and holds you up for your entire life. It needs to be nurtured and filled with lots of living foods and macronutrients to be able to function optimally.  Now, you can feel amazing at any size and life is too short to be unhappy no matter what you look like.  I know that people try to make you associate pain with weight but be joyful anyway while leveraging yourself with the knowing that loving your body now and into the way you want it to be is the key to success while including healthy habits.  Do not feel the pressure to lose weight, but by all means make the changes you want to so you can feel even more vital and live for a very long time. Know that you love your body while taking actions toward what you want. I know some people would say that if you truly just loved your body you wouldn’t care about exercise and you wouldn’t care what you ate. That’s not what Battle Babes is about, we are about loving your body now and not morphing yourself into someone you can’t possibly be but transforming your body in a way that has you feel happy and joyful additionally for the vitality you experience. Take actions toward this on a daily basis and know that being super thin is not the aim of the game, it is loving your body through the food you eat, exercise you partake in, what you say to yourself and taking action toward ultimate health.   You can love your body now and declare you want to lose weight. If you don’t feel healthy the way you are then you must do something about it. Of course, many people will say that because you are into loving your body you should be be or stay the weight you are sometimes out of proving a point, while knowing that your health may depend on you taking some actions now. Declaring you want to lose weight is a declaration of the love for your body.  The thing is about this is not the weight loss, it’s how you do it and what you think about yourself regarding doing it.  Do you do it for the right reasons or are you hating your body into submission and weight loss?  It is so powerful to declare your goals out loud and to share with those who support you that you want to make some healthy changes in your life.   It’s ok to want to lose weight while loving your body now is available on Battle babes fitness
Its ok to want to lose weight while loving your body now
If he doesnt want you when you are down he doesnt get you when you are up
If he doesnt want you when you are down he doesnt get you when you are up
Too many women place their worth and value on what men think of their bodies.  Many men are amazing and love you when you are down or when you are up in life.  What I am talking about here is the ones who aren’t into you no matter what your shape or size.  I am talking about the ones who are about looks and reject you for your body.  I know that you are health oriented and in being a Battle Babe, you can’t not be as we love our bodies and are healthy also.  This doesn’t necessarily look like being bigger or smaller, it looks like you doing what is good for your body and wellbeing. So as you are on this journey, you may find that when your body isn’t at its best you might attract men who are not about body diversity and who are about looks.  As you become healthier your looks change.  Now don’t think here I am saying that you aren’t prefect the way you are because you are.  What I am saying is that don’t transform your body to catch the man and if he isn’t into your body at all phases of life, then don’t go for him because he simply most likely won’t stick around if you don’t look the way he wants you to look.  These insights are designed to assist you to be able to be strong in body, soul and mind and find the one for you who is about who you truly are: Rejection leads to the acceptance of the right one. If you are rejected for the way you look, make sure you don’t waste your time crying over it because the right man won’t look at your body. He will look at your true beauty and inner glow leading you to know that when you have children, age or if you go through trauma that he will stand by you no matter what.  If you have some weight on your body and you have goals to lose it, don’t hinge catching your future husband on getting the results because if he doesn’t want you when you are looking a way that he may not accept, then he won’t accept you most likely as you age and go through hormonal changes.  He won’t be there for you in the deepest soul way, he will often be there for physical aspects and that is not what you want.  As you may be rejected by one man, another will come along and don’t put off your relationship success just for your body shape or size.  The right one wants you for you. Be strong and say goodbye to shallow men. I run the risk of seeming like I am against men but that is not true at all, I appreciate them and that they are all on their own journey. Also, many women are just like some men and go for looks over soul mate connection. That is a path of divorce and misery so don’t subject yourself to it and make sure you hold out for the right one for you who is about loving you at all stages and phases of life.  If he can’t handle the hard times and won’t stick by you during the tough times if you have them, then he isn’t the right one for you.  Saying goodbye to the shallow men will set your free and don’t be the problem and be shallow yourself.  Know that you are able to rise from the ashes at any time, you are able to lose weight and shape up with the right strategies and you can and will be able to find true love by letting go of the epidemic that plagues women – looks being what matters most. Know your worth and be up as much as you possibly can. I know, things happen in life, and you may get knocked down. You may have to climb out of big holes at times in your life but know that the right man will be there for you at all phases.  When you know your worth you are better able to choose the man for you and understand that looks aren’t everything.  Your health matters and with health often comes thinner bodies and more tone but deep inside your soul is what is the thing that you should be seeking to please.  If you get knocked down, get right back up and know that you are worthy and deserving of living the life of your dreams. Of course, look your best, empower him to look his best and be healthy while appreciating the life you have at all times for a greater level of happiness and joy. If he doesn’t want you when you are down, he doesn’t get you when you are up is republished from Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
If he doesnt want you when you are down he doesnt get you when you are up
3 ways to overcome guilt for great results
3 ways to overcome guilt for great results
Do you feel guilty if you eat food or don’t do as much exercise as you want to do?  Sometimes I know it’s difficult to maintain and sustain a healthy lifestyle and guilt may be the very thing that is perpetuating health concerns and you not doing what is conducive to your wellbeing.  Guilt can plague you and cause you to suffer and manifest the very thing you don’t want.  The way to overcome guilt is to be loving of your body and self now while knowing that living in the realm of wrong or right and good or bad can work for you in terms of keeping you making the right and health choices.  But do you use the right and wrong or good and bad approach to your health in a way that makes you feel deflated and destroyed?  Let’s face it, there are things that are good for you and some that are bad for you, and you know what they are often so the way to dissolve the guilt is to do what you know is good for you and your body while dealing with the cause of the guilt internally.  If you go off the wagon, the guilt is there as a teacher and to show you something about yourself and to drive you to make healthier choices.  These insights will assist you to overcome guilt and dissolve this emotion in a way that has you stop rebelling and manifesting what you don’t want and discovering and creating what you do want: Embrace guilt as your greatest teacher. As mentioned, learning from your guilt is a very powerful and productive thing to do. If you make guilt all wrong and allow it to plague you, you set yourself up for failure but if you master it, you are better placed to get over it quickly and create great results in the way that you want to.  Feeling guilt is a human constructed emotion therefore this gives you power and the ability to know you can transform it.  It might be the result of your actions or non-actions but it’s inside you that these feelings are arising so take your guilt and make it mean something very powerful to be able to rise above it, learn and grow from it in a way that has you know that guilt may come and go and you can still create the results you want if you see that guilt can be a sign you aren’t doing what you truly want to do for your body and self. Focus on the opposite of guilt and how it serves you. What is the opposite of guilt for you? Focus on that and reframe your thoughts toward a more powerful and productive approach.  Look at the habit you did that causes you the guilt and know that the guilt is showing you as mentioned it’s not something you morally or for health reasons wanted to do and change your behaviours toward what you want.  When it comes to weight, body image and fitness, many women are plagued with guilt and it can drive them but it’s more powerful and sustainable if you are driven from a place not of pain but of pleasure and inspiration that has you know that as you focus on what you want, you create more of what you want. Use it to fuel your fire and make the right choices. Guilt can be something that destroys or makes you. As you learn from it and use the opposite of it to focus on what you want you can use the guilt in ways that cause you to dissolve the emotions associated with it, not feel the guilt but still make healthier choices.  So many women think that if they didn’t have the negative emotions that drive them, they would go off the wagon.  This might be ‘I hate my body so I’ll work out and diet’ or ‘I can’t stand looking in the mirror so I’ll morph into the ideal woman’ or ‘I ate that, and I feel so guilty and will punish myself for it, so I don’t do it again’.  Living in the world of punishment for your choices isn’t going to help you succeed but coming from a deep intrinsic place where you know that you are driven by health and wellbeing over guilt and hate the power is put back into your hands as you are in charge of your life, therefore your results. 3 ways to overcome guilt for great results was originally published on Battle babes fitness by Anna Maria Lang
3 ways to overcome guilt for great results
If you want something go and make it happen
If you want something go and make it happen
Do you want body love? Or maybe to lose some weight and shape up?  Maybe you want it all?  In this mission I will be talking about the impact of not getting what you want.  My aim is to help you see the way your life may not be working because of the way you think about your body or the habits you might have that stop you from succeeding.  So many women as I often talk about put off their mission because they think they aren’t thin enough and that can include getting healthy.  Make sure you know that Battle Babes is about body love and losing weight if you want to while making sure you don’t think that you have to lose weight to get out there and create what you want.  As you get on mission, you are focused on other things that are not body image concerns, weight or obsession or rejection of fitness.  Of course, make time and align your values toward what you truly want while knowing that if you get out there, make things happen and do what you are meant to be doing, you say to yourself and the world – other opinions don’t count! Through this article, I will share with you some insights to assist you to get out there and make things happen: Give up the need to please people. When you are a people pleaser, you may cave to eating and drinking unhealthy substances or you might find yourself giving up on your goals because you want to fit in. Stand out I say!  Be the one who is willing to say no to what doesn’t serve you and yes to what does.  In this you must understand that if you have flimsy boundaries and allow yourself to become what others want you to be and not what you want to be, you might feel some pain and that pain might be ill health and poor body image.  As a people pleaser you sacrifice your health and body image for those who aren’t on the journey or who sometimes take pleasure in your unhealthy behaviours sabotaging you or yourself.  Make sure you stop trying to please everyone else and take life by the horns and get out there and make things happen regardless of what you look like or how you feel about yourself. Give up caring what others think. I know this well, so many people think their opinion counts when it comes to the way you should look. Perfectionism is something that is often derived from caring about external opinions and thinking that what other people say about you that is negative actually matters.  It is important to be real and understand that you can’t often escape the opinions of others but if you cared about what others think, you wouldn’t get to the gym with your curves and bumps.  You wouldn’t get out there and make your amazing career happen or have the dream relationship you want that is about loving you no matter what you look like.  When you are about your inner vision of external opinion you become more empowered, and you let go of body hate and find your own way in the world. Make a plan and stick to it. Planning is essential to success. When you plan you give yourself a chance to succeed and to be resourceful to be able to achieve.  When it comes to planning, you may find yourself face limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions that sabotage you or cause you to feel you aren’t worthy which is common with women who have faced body image and self-image concerns.  Be sure to overcome these and decide, commit and act toward what you know is meant for you. If you want to lose weight, lose the weight off your mind first or at the same time and make sure you do it for health and wellbeing over vanity because that is how it lasts.  Planning is for everyone and always adjust and review your plans over time and as you succeed, you will most often find that you achieve more than you thought if you have lost the weight off your mind and you are committed to your vision. Get out there, make things happen and ensure you do it from a place of fun, joy, body love and win the war on weight, body image and fitness by being in the game. The blog post If you want something, go and make it happen was originally published to
If you want something go and make it happen
3 ways to overcome your past and excuses to move forward
3 ways to overcome your past and excuses to move forward
The body love movement is something that is very important to be involved with and loving your body now is imperative to your health and mental health.  In this journey it is also imperative that you seek to be healthy. Overcoming the past and excuses when it comes to your body is something that will set you free while in this journey be sure to not use the fact that you are loving your body to let your health and wellbeing slide.  I’m not saying this has anything to do with looks because you are so much more than your body shape and size.  What I am saying is that your health and wellbeing are just as important as loving your body.  Let’s face it, someone who truly loves and adores their body doesn’t want to do harmful things to it.  They want to be healthy and live with vitality.  Battle Babes Fitness and this mental game is all about loving your body now and no matter what size or shape you are or have been while ensuring you focus on your health.  I of all people know this is a journey but don’t be one of those body hating women who puts unhealthy things into your body while also don’t use the body love mission as an excuse to become, remain or be unhealthy.  These insights will assist you to overcome the past and excuses to move powerfully forward with your body love and weight, body image and fitness mission: Exercise to embody and embrace your body. I’m not saying you should thrash yourself and do things that make you sore and tired all of the time. What I am saying is that it is imperative that you get out there, get going and find some consistency with your body love and your exercise.  When you embody and embrace your body you are better placed to feel into what you want and need.  You are much more likely to lose some weight and be healthier while I understand that you may be storing pain and trauma in your body which is what may have caused you to gain weight, while know that exercise can cause you to shape up and if you do it in a way that you love, you are more likely to stick to it and reach your goals. Seek professional help to deal with stored memories. What do you truly think of exercise, eating well and losing weight? Are you all tangled up inside with limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions struggling to find your way and going on and off diets or programs?  Are you unable to sustain your program because of your limiting beliefs?  When you identify what has been holding you back, you are better able to move forward and leave the past behind you.  I know it might seem hard because of hormones, old habits, mental health and other factors but don’t allow these to impact your health.  Love your body now and seek assistance to overcome anything that may be causing you to not be healthy, not exercise and avoid eating well. Shake it all off, love your body and get in the game. Excuses that are associated with the past will only hold you down and using the body love movement as a reason to not look after yourself is something that may be a big issue in society. Battle Babes is about balancing your body love with health.  Most often I am talking to the women who let their health go and want to lose weight and the way to love your body is to see images of women who are not the ideal woman but are still ideal in their body because they embrace themselves in entirety and are loved and a lovable now.  Shake off the past and seek to find your way and look after yourself for a body and future that lasts the distance for your mission on this earth.  By shaking it off, you get yourself further in the game and you are able to rise to any challenge because the past does not dictate your future. The article 3 ways to overcome your past and excuses to move forward is courtesy of Battle babes fitness by Anna Maria Lang
3 ways to overcome your past and excuses to move forward
You dont need to be super skinny to be loved
You dont need to be super skinny to be loved
What is your relationship with love, your body and your looks?  Do you think that being skinny is a reflection of loving yourself or that you need to be thin to be loved by others?  So much of the acceptance of women revolves around looks. There is so much judgement and assumptions about a woman for their weight.  What about all the women who have suffered trauma, had children or struggled in some way who are seeking love thinking that it’s only for the skinny ones.  The media portrays perfect love being two thin people who are Hollywood perfect, and the world has lost its way when it comes to the loving body and self-mission.  Of course, thin women think they are sometimes fat also, so this is for all shapes and sizes because there is a very big problem with women not loving their bodies now.  Do you think that one day when you reach your goal you will be loved and lovable? It makes sense if you fear intimacy and love also that you would put your goals off or carry extra weight to protect yourself.  You can be loved now, and you are lovable regardless of your body shape or size while making health of the upmost importance.  These insights will assist you to know you are loved now and to take the actions that someone who loves themselves does: Be vulnerable and allow love in. This is something that may frighten some women because they may be thinking that a wonderful loving relationship with someone who is your soul mate is only for those who have it all together. They think that skinny women are the only ones who have it all, but all shapes and sizes can while you must consider the impact of body weight on your health, it still means nothing about you as a woman and human being.  All it might be is your past pain and hurt manifesting on your body so don’t make it wrong and be vulnerable to allow love in from you and others to make sure you know you are lovable no matter what shape or size you are.  Put yourself out there, embrace your body and know that you can and will learn the art of love right now. Focus on what you want and achieve your goals powerfully. Success is a great healer and breeds success. Take your attention off your weight and while being present, strong and empowered go out and make your life happen. That’s right, stop putting things off or protecting yourself through weight concerns and start looking at what you can do for the world, others and humanity.  When you focus on what you want, immerse yourself in a balanced way in living your life powerfully, you don’t think you are not good enough or thin enough for love, you are living it and often the weight will fall away if you want it to and you may find yourself leading a somewhat empowered and inspiring life now.  Putting things off until a later date because you think you aren’t thin enough is a waste of time so love your body now, focus on what you want and go out and make things happen. Breathe in love and exhale body hate. Breathing is underrated when it comes to being connected to your body. Breathe deeply into your body and connect to your soul while making sure you feel your body, embrace it in entirety and adore it now regardless of what shape or size it is.  What’s this got to do with loving your body now?  You will feel some emotions arise when you embody (connect to your body) and you may just find the body hate being released and breathed out.  So many women struggle to embody because of the way society has become so disconnected but with some breathing and other activities to get into your body, you can gently release body hate and replace it with acceptance and love. The following article You don’t need to be super skinny to be loved was first published to Battle Babes Fitness
You dont need to be super skinny to be loved
3 ways to know you are loving your body now
3 ways to know you are loving your body now
What is love is the eternal question?  This is a very difficult thing to describe but I believe that love is when you can see what you perceive as the positive and negative sides of yourself and still adore yourself anyway.  It is when you are at peace with the way things are while working intrinsically (internally motivated or inspired) toward what you want.  Love seems like the path of least resistance but don’t be fooled into thinking that you won’t have any challenges in the process of loving your body.  You may one day feel on top of the world loving your body and something might happen making you feel like you aren’t loving your body but accepting the ups and downs is part of the love journey.  Focus on what you want while loving the challenges too.  It’s just like unconditionally loving another person.  I know this might be difficult to deal with as love in many realms has been painted out to be an all and only positive thing, but true love is when you can love the positive and negative aspects of yourself being humble in your beauty knowing that there is nowhere to get – while this is what will take you far.  These insights will assist you to be able to know you are loving your body now and find a sense of peace over all aspects of yourself: You win the war when you stop comparing. You are just perfect as you are. Yes, that’s right, you don’t need to change to be able to love your body now except one thing, and that is your thoughts about yourself.  When you are perpetually comparing yourself to other women or idealistic views of what you think you should look like, you take yourself out of the body love game.  Thinking you need to be different is the epidemic that plagues the world of women when love is to adore yourself now and not want to change a thing about the way your body is while working your way intrinsically toward health.  Losing weight is not about the way you look; it should be about your wellbeing.  Don’t fall for false promises that your internal world will improve only if you lose weight, you must do the inner work simultaneously and stop comparing yourself making yourself feel like you are never good enough – you are perfect and more than enough now. You are able to see that you are perfect the way you are. When you can see you are perfect the way you are, you free yourself and reduce the stress on your nervous system allowing your body to better metabolise fat. Yes, that’s right, your stress could just be the very thing causing you to hold onto extra weight.  Losing weight is up to you to decide whether you want to or not but what is important here is that you are able to love and adore yourself now and/or into the size you want to be.  That way you are able to create lasting change because you have done the inner work and love your body during ups and downs in life.  It is powerful to love your body at any stage whether thinner or not as thin while knowing that misery won’t go away when your body changes unless you transform your internal world. You are free and do what you love regardless of your body shape or size. When you are free in yourself, you are better placed to know that you are not only loved but lovable. So many women struggle to feel lovable, and their body image plagues them.  Know this – if people including a man aren’t loving on your body now then they aren’t the right people for you to surround yourself with.  Be free and be around others who are free in their minds and bodies too so that you can manifest into your life unconditional love in a way that I know you always dream of.  Who doesn’t want that I say?  Who wouldn’t want to be free in the way they view their body, wear what they like that compliments their shape and only lose weight if you want to for health reasons because you are adorable, adored and loved just the way you are?  Who ever decided that love is dependent on looks? Don’t be one of those women, be the type of woman who loves your body now and for all aspects of it knowing you are worthy and deserving just the way you are. The blog post 3 ways to know you are loving your body now was originally published to Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
3 ways to know you are loving your body now
How to learn to eat to live rather than living to eat
How to learn to eat to live rather than living to eat
What is your relationship with food?  Do you live to eat, or do you eat to live?  What this question is asking is do you find that you use food as a vice and live for it allowing it to run your life or are you in charge of it. Thus, making sure you are powerful and eat to nourish your body rather than to calm emotions or fill a void.  So many women feel they have voids in their lives which means they feel something is missing or they have emotional charges that cause them to uncontrollably reach for food.  Now don’t ever make yourself out to be a bad woman if you have done this, welcome to being a human being.  What this is about is making choices from a more powerful and healthy place where you are eating for the reasons that eating was invented – to nourish your body and keep you alive.  Food has become something that is used to numb out or as mentioned being a vice that can cause you concerns with your weight, body image and fitness.  These insights will provide you some ways forward from living to eat to eating to live: Master your emotions and habits for a powerful relationship with food. Emotions are powerful things. They can cause compulsions and addictions to be formed for the way that many women turn to food for comfort and to fill voids.  When you master your emotions, which is an ongoing life journey, you are better able to master the art of eating.  I know first-hand this is an ongoing journey where there may be times that you are stressed and eat more while there may be times you are more powerful with your choices and neither is right nor wrong but just ask yourself what outcomes you want. It can be difficult when you are plagued with negative emotions to master your eating and to be healthy, but it is worth looking at your habits based on your emotions so you can have a powerful relationship with food. Eat to be able to nourish your body and bring life to it. Eating for any reason but to nourish your body is not what eating was created for. As I mentioned, we all eat based on emotions at times and it’s important not to make yourself out to be a bad person for sometimes emotionally eating but consider the biology here where food is designed to nourish your body, not suppress or calm your emotions. The function of eating is for your body as your temple and to cause you to live a fulfilling and vibrant life.  I have fallen for the fallacy that food will numb the emotions, or it sometimes feels like it is the only thing that brings you any joy but the key here is to find other ways that are conducive to health to find joy in.  By nourishing your body, you are saying you want to live, you want to be vital, and you are willing to do what it takes to bring life to your life. Watch your life transform by eating to live. When you remove the excuses or reasons why you might be living to eat and you don’t make any of it wrong but love and adore yourself for the choices you have made, you begin to see that there is a new way of doing things. It may take a lot more than this article for you to have this breakthrough so please subscribe or book in for Tactical Support if you feel you need support. Your life transforming doesn’t mean you have to lose a ton of weight, it is your internal world that transforms to begin with, and any weight loss is a bonus.  Your willingness to eat to live will help you see that any other reason for eating is a human construct that has you fooled into thinking that food will bring you something other than life. You are a stunning woman regardless of your actions or non-actions, while making sure you focus on eating to live so you can really and truly live. How to learn to eat to live rather than living to eat was first published on Battle Babes Fitness blog
How to learn to eat to live rather than living to eat
3 ways to overcome the past and heal body image concerns
3 ways to overcome the past and heal body image concerns
It is important in life to live it fully.  How many women put off their life because of the way they think they look?  How many women struggle or are dying because of the way that they think they look?  The time has come for some change and to heal the past so you can fully live your life.  Now it may take a lot more than just reading this to be able to do that but know that just by being here reading this you have made the right choice when it comes to overcoming what may be holding you back.  It is important to know that the past can be healed regardless of what you have endured and that it may be affecting you now even though it occurred a long time ago.  To put things into context on this mission, your manifestations in your life are a reflection of your thoughts, feeling, emotions, actions as a result of those or non-actions.  Your driving force comes from what has happened to you in the past and there is hope that you can take charge and make your life the way you want it to be whether that be that you want to lose or gain weight.  These insights will assist you to overcome the past and know where to look to heal while knowing if you are triggered, be sure to seek Tactical Support and help to be able to powerfully move forward: Recall the first time you experienced not loving your body. When you were born you didn’t care what you looked like. You were free and fun loving, and it is simply life events and modelling or decisions you made that have caused you to become who you are today both positive and negative.  In thinking back over your life, when was the first moment you experienced not accepting and loving your body just the way it is?  What was occurring in your life at that time?  Now go ahead and write that down and what you decided about yourself and then write down what you want to think instead and focus on that.  This is called reframing which is a basic concept that is often easier said than done but you can if you create some positive affirmations that assist you to heal and make new decisions about yourself. Notice other moments this affected you and heal. As you made decisions in the past, your life has somewhat been shaped by that pivotal moment you decided you are not a stunning and beautiful woman inside and out. You may have been influenced by other’s words, projections or magazines, media, social media or an endless list of ways women are impacted and then manifested behaviours and non-behaviours as a result of this decision you made.  When you look at your life you will see how that decision you made initially when you went from an all-loving joyful child to being impacted by the world around you, you get to see that you can transform your thinking about yourself and find new ways of looking at your body. See how your body image concerns have served you. I know this may be difficult, but these concerns have served you in some way. I’m not saying that ill health and body image concerns are a good thing, but what I am saying that there is great power when you stop rejecting what you think about yourself and start to see that there is a blessing in every situation.  When you see the blessing, it doesn’t mean anything is right or wrong, what it does do is brings you freedom and I want that for you.  When you have freedom, the power is back in your hands and you aren’t shaped by the decisions you made when you were a child where you lost your body bliss and innocence and to see the blessing it stops you feeling like a victim and gives you back your power to decide, commit and act in new ways.  All challenges have served you in some way and in that you can see the perfection not in being perfect but being an imperfect human being who is on a journey where all aspects of yourself are to be loved. 3 ways to overcome the past and heal body image concerns was originally seen on Battle Babes Fitness by Anna Maria Lang
3 ways to overcome the past and heal body image concerns
3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like
3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like
If you aren’t looking the way you used to or want to it can be difficult to feel a sense of love for your body.  You might find you are wearing clothes to cover your body and to hide rather than owning your body and embracing it curves and all.  You might not do things because of the way you think you look.  In this mission, I encourage you to own your body shape and size while knowing that dressing the way you know is your style while being proud of your body in a non-vain way.  This means being humble about the way you look and making sure you get out there, do what you want in life and overcome all opinions of your body including your own.  These insights will assist you to be proud of your body regardless of where you are at in your weight journey: Know that you are lovable no matter what you look like. So many women hate their bodies thinking it will mean they are not lovable or loved for the way they look. I must say this and that is if a man for example or others don’t want you for the way you look, they are the wrong people for you.  If you surround yourself with those who love you regardless of the way you look, you become prouder of your own body as you are surrounded by love and acceptance.  This is a great strategy to be able to learn to embrace your body because when you are constantly reminded by you and others that you are lovable, you become that. External opinions don’t count but your internal focus does. Others may judge you if you are thin or not as thin and it becomes a no-win situation for women because of the way society has projected upon women that they should look. External opinions aren’t for Battle Babes.  They are the enemy because many people will tell you or say that you aren’t looking good enough or thin enough or judge your shape and size.  If you are surrounded by external opinions that don’t encourage you, be sure to change your circles or do something about it because you are a powerful woman who can stand tall and proud in who you are body shape and size and all. Your beauty is internal not external. Beauty on the outside is just fine to seek but do it from a place of internal beauty coming first. Battle Babes look after themselves in a humble way while vanity is not for you but looking and feeling stunning through the window to the soul (your eyes) is the way to know how beautiful you truly are.  Your body can change in different phases of your life so if you put your internal beauty and glow first, you are better able to feel proud of who you are as a woman.  You are more likely to attract people who are about internal beauty and let go of the shallow ones where looks are everything - and go where internal beauty is what is the most important aspect of who you are.  Be proud of your body no matter what you look like while putting the internal first and allowing yourself to glow and be seen for the true beauty you are. The following article 3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like was first published to
3 ways to be proud of body regardless of what it looks like
3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success
3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success
Many women think they aren’t thin enough or good enough to do things far too often.  They may be struggling with self-image and see themselves as bigger than they are or think that their weight is the thing that will impact their success when it shouldn’t.  I am a realist and understand that sometimes some industries hinge success on the way you look but those industries are not for Battle Babes to conform to, just be yourself, go for it in any industry and make sure that you do what you are meant to do in your life.  What are you putting off thinking you are an imposter for the way you look?  Maybe it’s your dream career, relationship or fitness program.  The number of times I have heard women say that they will get thin and fit before they go about living their dreams is sad when it should be the opposite.  Live your dreams and lose weight if you want to but don’t do it for any reason but for you and your health.  With these insights, you will be able to find some peace over imposter syndrome and the way you may not see your true success can be transformed: Know you can have your dream career. Most of us in in a world where women are often oppressed find ourselves experiencing imposter syndrome. When you focus on your dreams and your vision for your life, your weight becomes something that is not an aspect of your success in terms of having ‘made it’ in the world.  Your dream career will light you up, reduce stress therefore releasing tension on your nervous system and enabling you to feel joy more often because you are doing what you love. When you know you can have your dream career and even if you are living it now, how can you go about seeing that you deserve it and it’s something you are worthy of? Appreciate you are worthy of your dream relationship. How many times have you seen women sabotage relationships because they had imposter syndrome and didn’t feel good enough for the man they have attracted who may happen to be their soul mate. He just wants to love you, but you may feel below him or not worthy of him and that’s just not the game Battle Babes should be playing.  Your weight is not something that determines the calibre of man you attract contrary to popular belief.  It is not a sign of your worth and it shouldn’t be the thing that makes a man attracted to you, it must be your inner glow and beauty.  Your body shape and size don’t matter in the grand scheme of true love and your true deep soul connection does. Understand you are deserving of optimum health. Do you feel like an imposter in the gym or healthy situations because of the way you think you look? Do you find yourself struggling to fit into healthy groups because you feel you don’t deserve friends or a lifestyle that is conducive to health? So many women think that healthy groups are for only the really thin people but that’s not true.  Groups of good people accept all body shapes and sizes, and you are not an imposter and most likely you look better than you think you do.  In understanding you deserve optimum health; you give yourself a chance at creating it.  You are not an imposter for putting yourself out there in the realms you want to become or already are, you are a stunning deserving woman who belongs. 3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success is available on Battle babes fitness
3 ways to overcome impostor syndrome for lasting success
3 ways to find freedom around your body image
3 ways to find freedom around your body image
Are you suffering as a result of the way you look at and think about your body?  In this day and age, there are so many things impacting mental health and to add body image concerns to the mix, that is something I believe in society needs to be addressed.  In this mission, it is important to realise that you are not your body shape and size, it means nothing about you as a woman and although it may reflect your habits, it doesn’t make you any lesser human being for sometimes gaining or losing weight? Freedom is what we all want right? I believe that when you realise it’s a journey and not a destination, you get to experience an element of freedom that has you know that you are worthy and deserving of everything life has to offer regardless of what you look like: Looks aren’t an indicator of success or empowerment. Too many people think that looks are an indicator that you have ‘made it’ in life. So many women look at the media, magazines and social media thinking that success hinges on body shape and size while image seems to have become everything.  Of course, look after yourself and your beauty regime but don’t make it your everything and don’t hinge your thoughts, feelings and emotions on the way you look because one day you will age, you will develop curves where you didn’t have them before, and you will wrinkle. Make sure you understand that empowerment is based on internal factors and living according to your true values while looks don’t mean you are or are not empowered. You are worthy of an amazing relationship, health and career regardless of your body shape or size. Too many women think that when they are skinny, they will make it in the world. Sadly, some career paths hinge on being skinny and beauty only or mostly but the world is changing where all shapes and sizes are to be represented in all areas.  How many times have you thought that your soul mate will come want you when you are skinner or look different?  If he wants you for your looks only get rid of him as he isn’t the one for you.   How many times have you thought you will start or up the ante with your health when you lose some weight?  Know that you are worthy now and get started now regardless of what your body looks like. Learn to look at yourself in a positive way. What do you think when you look into the mirror? I know it might seem difficult to embrace your body curves and all, but you must for the sake of your own quality of life. When you look at yourself in a positive way, you balance out any negativity you may be thinking about yourself.  You get to free yourself and know that love is in the positive and negative and embracing it all regardless so you can feel worthy and deserving because over negativity could be the very thing making you miss out on your dream life. Looking at yourself in a positive way, you get to see that you are able to manifest beauty in it’s true form – love in all aspects of who you are now.  You are beautiful regardless of your body shape or size. 3 ways to find freedom around your body image was originally published on Battle Babes Fitness blog
3 ways to find freedom around your body image