Foont: A font game for designers!
The Inner Scorecard: How Warren Buffett Mastered Life
What Buffett and a lot of other people who have been successful in life — true success, not measured by money — have in common is that they’re able to remember what we all set out to do: live a fulfilling life! Not get rich. Not get famous. Not even get admiration, necessarily. But to live a satisfying existence and help others around them do the same.
Theory of Constraints Principles Simplified [With Pictures]
In simple terms, you identify the bottleneck in the system – the weakest link – and you make it stronger by increasing its capacity and smoothing the flow of operations.
Sell files get paid | WeTransfer
Traveling At The Speed Of The Soul | NOEMA
WePresent | Dilara Şahin’s collages explore the darker side of life
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Process (4) Trust your artist
Inside The Black Box - How marketers waste billions on online advertising.
The Self-Motivation Toolkit: How to Stay Curious and Committed
Goods · Jack Cohen
Design Digest #06
Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
We're at the end of a vast, multi-faceted con of internet users, where ultra-rich technologists tricked their customers into building their companies for free. And while the trade once seemed fair, it's become apparent that these executives see users not as willing participants in some sort of fair exchange, but as veins of data to be exploitatively mined as many times as possible, given nothing in return other than access to a platform that may or may not work properly.
30 fully editable book covers | atipo foundry
Animated Drawings
Take Ownership of Your Future Self
Dan Gilbert: The psychology of your future self
I’m Finally Quitting Trying to Quit My Bad Habits
WePresent | Unseen images of Björk by Spike Jonze
Loops - The email platform built for SaaS
Creative Coding (Creative Coding)
A collection of super good links from across the internet.
Dig this — Get random music recommendations from Discogs
AI Comic Factory - Generate Comics with Hugging Face (Free)
Tweek Calendar — Minimal To Do list and Weekly Task Planner App