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Are We Watching The Internet Die?
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
We're at the end of a vast, multi-faceted con of internet users, where ultra-rich technologists tricked their customers into building their companies for free. And while the trade once seemed fair, it's become apparent that these executives see users not as willing participants in some sort of fair exchange, but as veins of data to be exploitatively mined as many times as possible, given nothing in return other than access to a platform that may or may not work properly.
Are We Watching The Internet Die?
How to Do Great Work
How to Do Great Work
If you collected lists of techniques for doing great work in a lot of different fields, what would the intersection look like?
How to Do Great Work
A brief history of creativity (and power)
A brief history of creativity (and power)
Creativity may feel like the beginning of everything, but in the beginning there was no creativity. In 1950, when Guilford delivered his address, creativity as a field of research was virtually nonexistent. In fact, the word “creativity” itself was a recent invention, having only been inducted into standard English dictionaries after World War II.
A brief history of creativity (and power)