Old Town Neighborhood Plan, Tonawanda, 2009#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Nov 21, 2024Old Town Neighborhood Plan, Tonawanda, 2009
Delaware District Resource Directory, 2014University District Community Development Association, Inc.#Directories#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·udcda.org·Nov 16, 2024Delaware District Resource Directory, 2014
Here Comes the Neighborhood: The Impact of Immigration on Disinvested Urban Communities, 2018Jacob Hamel#Ethnic-Groups#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·dataspace.princeton.edu·Oct 21, 2024Here Comes the Neighborhood: The Impact of Immigration on Disinvested Urban Communities, 2018
Elmwood Crossing Draft Generic Environmental Impact Study, 2019Hopkins Sorgi & Romanowski PLLC#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#Architecture-Historic-Sites·buffalony.gov·Jul 17, 2024Elmwood Crossing Draft Generic Environmental Impact Study, 2019
Growing the town's economic future, 2017Town of Tonawanda#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·cacwny.org·May 21, 2024Growing the town's economic future, 2017
Prospectus: Williamsville: A Detailed Look at the Exciting Projects for the Village in 2017Walkable Williamsville#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·walkablewilliamsville.com·Jan 2, 2024Prospectus: Williamsville: A Detailed Look at the Exciting Projects for the Village in 2017
Hamburg Underutilized Sites Strategy, 2018LaBella#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·villagehamburg.com·Jan 2, 2024Hamburg Underutilized Sites Strategy, 2018
How We Change the Black East Side, 2023Henry Louis Taylor, Jr.#City-Planning#Black-History#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·right2thecity.com·Dec 25, 2023How We Change the Black East Side, 2023
Development of a Turning Point Scenario: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Fruit Belt/Medical Corridor, 2001University at Buffalo Center for Urban Studies#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·ubwp.buffalo.edu·Sep 22, 2023Development of a Turning Point Scenario: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Fruit Belt/Medical Corridor, 2001
Fruit Belt Redevelopment Plan Preliminary Study, 2002University at Buffalo Center for Urban Studies#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·ubwp.buffalo.edu·Sep 22, 2023Fruit Belt Redevelopment Plan Preliminary Study, 2002
Fillmore Avenue Commercial Redevelopment Plan, 2015University at Buffalo Center for Urban Studies#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·ubwp.buffalo.edu·Sep 22, 2023Fillmore Avenue Commercial Redevelopment Plan, 2015
Report of Concept Phase Activity: Reimagine 166-170 Dart Street, Appendix, 2021Buffalo State College#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#Education#City-Planning·facilitiesconstruction.buffalostate.edu·Sep 22, 2023Report of Concept Phase Activity: Reimagine 166-170 Dart Street, Appendix, 2021
Town of Concord and Village of Springville Joint Comprehensive Plan, 1999Nutter Associates#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Jun 5, 2023Town of Concord and Village of Springville Joint Comprehensive Plan, 1999
Within: East Side Launch Report, East Side Investment Plan, 2022Local Initiatives Service Corp.#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·lisc.org·Mar 19, 2023Within: East Side Launch Report, East Side Investment Plan, 2022
City of Buffalo Broadway-Fillmore Strategic Investment Plan, 2022Western New York Regional Economic Development Council#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·ny.gov·Mar 19, 2023City of Buffalo Broadway-Fillmore Strategic Investment Plan, 2022
Town of Cheektowaga Comprehensive Master Plan, 1992Saratoga Associates#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·tocny.org·Mar 3, 2023Town of Cheektowaga Comprehensive Master Plan, 1992
Village of Hamburg Comprehensive Plan Update, 2011Clark Patterson Lee#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Jan 1, 2023Village of Hamburg Comprehensive Plan Update, 2011
Elmwood village commercial district design guidelines, 2000Forever Elmwood/Elmwood Village Association#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·ourheights.org·Jan 1, 2023Elmwood village commercial district design guidelines, 2000
Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan: Bridging the Future, 2018#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Dec 31, 2022Town of Grand Island Comprehensive Plan: Bridging the Future, 2018
Town of Collins and Village of Gowanda Master Plan, 1999Erie County Department of Environment and Planning#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Dec 31, 2022Town of Collins and Village of Gowanda Master Plan, 1999
Town of Tonawanda Comprehensive Plan, 2005Wendel Duchscherer#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Nov 27, 2022Town of Tonawanda Comprehensive Plan, 2005
Town of Sardinia Comprehensive Plan, 2003#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Nov 19, 2022Town of Sardinia Comprehensive Plan, 2003
Lake Erie Beach Commercial Revitalization Strategy, Evans, NY, 2019LaBella#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·hcr.ny.gov·Oct 26, 2022Lake Erie Beach Commercial Revitalization Strategy, Evans, NY, 2019
Lake Erie Beach Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy, Town of Evans, 2010Peter J. Smith & Co.#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·townofevans.org·Oct 19, 2022Lake Erie Beach Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy, Town of Evans, 2010
Village of Alden comprehensive plan, 2015#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Aug 14, 2022Village of Alden comprehensive plan, 2015
Broadway-Fillmore 2032: A vision for neighborhood restoration, 2022Central Terminal Neighborhood Association#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·buffalorising.com·Jun 28, 2022Broadway-Fillmore 2032: A vision for neighborhood restoration, 2022
Martin Luther King, Jr. Cultural District & Cultural Corridor: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Masten District, 2001Center for Urban Studies, University at Buffalo#City-Planning#Black-History#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·ubwp.buffalo.edu·Jun 3, 2022Martin Luther King, Jr. Cultural District & Cultural Corridor: A Strategic Plan and Action Agenda for the Masten District, 2001
Eggertsville Action Plan, 2000Parsons Transportation Group#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·amherst.ny.us·Jun 3, 2022Eggertsville Action Plan, 2000
Town of Eden, New York 2015 Comprehensive PlanWendel-Duchscherer#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·May 7, 2022Town of Eden, New York 2015 Comprehensive Plan
PUSH Buffalo’s Green Development Zone: A Model for New Economy Community Development, 2017Skye Hart and Sam Magavern#Economic-Social-Conditions#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#City-Planning·pushbuffalo.org·Apr 12, 2022PUSH Buffalo’s Green Development Zone: A Model for New Economy Community Development, 2017