Millard Fillmore Attempts to Justify Fugitive Slave & Kansas-Nebraska Acts, 1856
Leon Czolgosz Confesses to William McKinley Assassination, 1901
Recently Sworn-in Theodore Roosevelt’s Letter After McKinley Assassination, 1901
Theodore Rooseveltwrote of his new and heavy burden following the assassination of President McKinley
Pan-American Exposition Souvenir Booklet signed by William McKinley, 1901
Eyewitness Account of the Assassination of President William McKinley, 1901
De Benneville Randolph Keim
The homes successful, 1900
American Radiator Company
Sidney Shepard & Co., 1889
Therm-O-Rite Hypo-Hyper-Thermia Unit, 1964
Therm-O-Rite Products Corp.
25th anniversary booklet, 1998
United University Professionals
New York Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1982
Hosted by Bethel AME Church in Buffalo
Park School Overview, Fall 2024
Patrick Sneed Court Case, 1853
Patrick Sneed, who was born into slavery, escaped from the South and found work waiting tables at the Cataract Hotel in Niagara Falls, NY. He was arrested...
Protective Closures Caplugs, 1965
Protective Closures Company, Inc.
Tour book, 1918
Automobile Club of Buffalo
Erie County SPCA Third Annual Report, 1874
Erie County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Ransom's Family Receipt Book, 1911
D. Ransom & Co.
Good Cooking, ca. 1920
World's Dispensary Medical Association
Nichols School
Various publications
Celebrating 50 Years of Coeducation, 2023
Nichols School
Report of Independent Investigation of Certain Misconduct of Faculty with Students, 2018
Nichols School
Report of Independent Investigation of Historical Reported Incidents of Abuse and Inappropriate Behavior, 2018?
Park School of Buffalo
Park School of Buffalo
Annual reports and other publications
Maps: Buffalo Harbor, 1804-1964
Baxter, Henry and Heyl, Erik
Occupational Wage Survey, Buffalo, New York, April 1953
U.S. Department of Labor
Roll Call Against Racism (1988-2001)
Network of Religious Communities
Reist Family Papers
Mid-20th century typed transcripts of 19th century papers
Old Red Mill Inn, Clarence, NY: Historic Resource Inventory, 2009
Clinton E. Brown Company
Guidebook for Field Trips in Western New York, 1956
New York State Geological Association
Buffalo Complete Streets Final Report, 2013
GOBike Buffalo
Unburying Buffalo: Making the case for sidewalk snow removal, 2023
Partnership for the Public Good