Johnson's Island plot: an historical narrative of the conspiracy of the Confederates, in 1864, to capture the U.S. steamship Michigan on Lake Erie, and release the prisoners of war in Sandusky Bay
Abstract of general orders and proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual encampment, Department of New York, G.A.R., held at Buffalo, N.Y. March 9 and 10, 1892
Includes proceedings of the ninth annual convention of the Woman's Relief Corps. Department of New York.
Trial of Alexander M'Leod for the murder of Amos Durfee and as an accomplice in the burning of the steamer Caroline, in the Niagara River, during the Canadian Rebellion in 1837-8
One hundred and sixteenth regiment of New York state volunteers : being a complete history of its organization and of its nearly three years of active service in the great rebellion, 1868
Preservation of a Vietnam War-Era Slide Collection: A Master’s Project to research, catalogue, digitize and exhibit the photo-documentary collection of Kenneth L. Swain Jr., US Air Force veteran, 2017