Grover Cleveland High School: Clevelander, 1973
Evans-Jackson genealogy; the Jones and Evans families of Portage County and Mahoning County, Ohio, and the Jackson and Somers families of Portsmouth, N.H., and Buffalo, 1954
Owen David Evans
Roycroft Dictionary, Concocted by Ali Baba and the Bunch on Rainy Days
Elbert Hubbard
Mr. Elbert Hubbard on vaccination : a critical examination, 1907
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Elbert Hubbard of East Aurora, 1926
Felix Shay
Elbert Hubbard, Alice Hubbard: A Memorial Poem, 1915
J. Howard Flower
Excel Committe Final Report and Recommendations, 1994
On roads & bridges in Erie County
Redesigning the Scajaquada Expressway, 2016
Daniel Cadzow & Justin Booth
Kensington Expressway Project Reports & Documents
New York State Department of Transportation
Town of Sardinia Comprehensive Plan, 2003
Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame Master List, 2022
Late eighteenth century vegetation of central and western New York State on the basis of original land survey records, 1992
P.L. Mast
True history regarding alleged connection of the Order of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons ; with the abduction and murder of William Morgan in Western New York, in 1826, 1886
P.C. Huntington
Western New York Baptist Magazine, 1814-1825
WADV Stereo Success Story, ca. 1965
Buffalo's first stereo FM radio station
Buffalo Sabres Media Guide, 1970-1971
National Hockey League
Proceedings of the sixth annual meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers held at Buffalo, New York, September 18 and 19, 1901
Librarian's greatest challenge, 1962
Building the East Delavan Branch Library
Annual report, Water Works, 1881
City of Buffalo
Car Worker, 1903-1915
Published in Buffalo for railcar union members
White- and blue-collars in a mill shutdown; a case study in relative redundancy, 1968
About the Wickwire plant
Characteristics of the insured unemployed. Buffalo area, 1977
New York State Department of Labor
Manpower projections: Buffalo area, 1970-1980
Sheldon Dorfman & others
Workingmen's interest in civil-service reform : the spoils system in the public schools : address of Henry A. Richmond before the Central Labor Union of Buffalo, 1888
Henry A. Richmond
Annual planning report: Buffalo labor area, 1977
New York State Department of Labor
Public opinion and sex hygiene; an address delivered at the fourth International congress on school hygiene, at Buffalo, New York, August 27th, 1913
Charles W. Eliot
Gratwick Research Laboratory Annual Report, 1902-1911
Eventually renamed the Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Annual report of the Department of Health of the City of Buffalo, 1904-1922
Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane Annual Reports, 1886-1888
Report ... in reference to an inspection of the Contagious Disease Hospital, made on May 5th, 1910
Buffalo. Board of Aldermen. Committee on Sanitary Measures