Burning village; and other Indian stories, 1859Includes a narrative about the Burning of Buffalo, which the author's parents experienced. For juvenile audiences.#Military-Wars·catalog.hathitrust.org·Nov 11, 2011Burning village; and other Indian stories, 1859
Village of Buffalo during the War of 1812, 1863William Dorsheimer, 1863.#Military-Wars·books.google.com·Oct 1, 2011Village of Buffalo during the War of 1812, 1863
Perry's victory centenary: Report of the New York State Perrys Victory Centennial Commission, 1913This commission was chaired by Buffalonian William J. Conners. Includes all sorts of material about the Battle of Lake Erie#Military-Wars·purl.org·Oct 4, 2010Perry's victory centenary: Report of the New York State Perrys Victory Centennial Commission, 1913
Memorial of the Inhabitants Residing on the Niagara Frontier, Respectfully Addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of AmericaAsks Congress to pass a bill for the relief of sufferers after the War of 1812.#Military-Wars·archive.org·Nov 20, 2009Memorial of the Inhabitants Residing on the Niagara Frontier, Respectfully Addressed to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
Old Niagara County's Share in the Battle of Lake EriePeter A. Porter. When the War of 1812 took place, Buffalo was in Niagara County. Erie County hadn't been established yet.#Military-Wars·archive.org·Aug 8, 2009Old Niagara County's Share in the Battle of Lake Erie