Brownfield Cleanup Program Application, revised, 2007Buffalo hotel site#Science-Environment··Sep 14, 2024Brownfield Cleanup Program Application, revised, 2007
Environmental Exposures at Birth and at Menarche and Risk of Breast Cancer, 2004Jo FreudenheimEnvironmental Exposures at Birth and at Menarche and Risk of Breast Cancer#Health-Medicine··Sep 13, 2024Environmental Exposures at Birth and at Menarche and Risk of Breast Cancer, 2004
Overview of Environmental Pollution in the Niagara Frontier, 1982U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyOverview Of Environmental Pollution In The Niagara Frontier, New York March 1982#Science-Environment··Sep 13, 2024Overview of Environmental Pollution in the Niagara Frontier, 1982
Preliminary Evaluation of Chemical Migration to Groundwater and the Niagara River from Selected Waste Disposal Sites, 1986U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyPreliminary Evaluation Of Chemical Migration To Groundwater And The Niagara River From Selected Waste Disposal Sites#Science-Environment#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Sep 13, 2024Preliminary Evaluation of Chemical Migration to Groundwater and the Niagara River from Selected Waste Disposal Sites, 1986
Transcription of the Darius Howe Diaries, 1995David & Marjorie Howe Stanfield#Biography-Genealogy#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Sep 13, 2024Transcription of the Darius Howe Diaries, 1995
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Heritage Parks, 2021County of Erie#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries··Sep 13, 2024Heritage Parks, 2021
Delavan Trunk Sewer Improvements Project Enhanced Public Participation Plan, 2024Buffalo Sewer Authority#Government··Sep 13, 2024Delavan Trunk Sewer Improvements Project Enhanced Public Participation Plan, 2024
Letter from the Secretary of the Interior: Information relating to the Ogden Land Company, and to the claim of said company to certain lands of the Seneca Nation of Indians, 1895#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Government··Sep 12, 2024Letter from the Secretary of the Interior: Information relating to the Ogden Land Company, and to the claim of said company to certain lands of the Seneca Nation of Indians, 1895
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Lexington Green P2, Section 205 of the 1948 Flood, Control Act Flood Risk Management, 2016US Army Corps of Engineers#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Sep 12, 2024Lexington Green P2, Section 205 of the 1948 Flood, Control Act Flood Risk Management, 2016
Oxbow Habitat Restoration Plan, Buffalo Creek, West Seneca, 2010Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Science-Environment··Sep 12, 2024Oxbow Habitat Restoration Plan, Buffalo Creek, West Seneca, 2010
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Ratified Indian Treaty 33: Seneca - Buffalo Creek, New York, June 30, 1802U.S. National ArchivesRatified Indian Treaty 33: Seneca - Buffalo Creek, New York, June 30, 1802#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Government··Sep 11, 2024Ratified Indian Treaty 33: Seneca - Buffalo Creek, New York, June 30, 1802
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