Renegotiation of Seneca Nation leases : hearing before the Select Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, second session, on S. 2895, to provide for the renegotiation of certain leases of the Seneca Nation, September 18, 1990
Account of the manuscripts of Gen. Dearborn : as Massachusetts Commissioner in 1838 and 1839 for the sale of the Seneca Indian lands in the state of New York, 1880
Constitution of the "Government by Chiefs" of the Seneca Nation of Indians; adopted Nov. 30, 1854, by the National Council, subject to the approval of the electors of the Nation
Great Transition: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transitioning from Diesel Fuel Buses to Zero Emission Electric Buses for the NFTA in The Buffalo-Niagara Falls MSA, 2021