Erie County SPCA Third Annual Report, 1874Erie County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jan 17, 2025Erie County SPCA Third Annual Report, 1874
Buffalo’s Agricultural Economy since the Great Recession, 2017Dianne Held#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Economic-Social-Conditions··Dec 24, 2024Buffalo’s Agricultural Economy since the Great Recession, 2017
Economic Assessment of Farm-To-School Food Purchasing Incentives: The Case of the Buffalo City School District, 2022Shayna Krasnoff··Nov 19, 2024Economic Assessment of Farm-To-School Food Purchasing Incentives: The Case of the Buffalo City School District, 2022
Walleye (Sander vitreus) Stock Assessment (2006-2007) in the Buffalo River, NY, 2010Patrick J. Herbert#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jul 11, 2024Walleye (Sander vitreus) Stock Assessment (2006-2007) in the Buffalo River, NY, 2010
Frank C. Bostock's Grand Zoological Congress and Trained Wild Animal Arena, 1901Souvenir booklet from Frank Bostock's Great Animal Arena attraction on the Midway at the Pan-American Exposition#Pan-American-Exposition#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··May 2, 2024Frank C. Bostock's Grand Zoological Congress and Trained Wild Animal Arena, 1901
And they thanked God : a chronicle of pioneering in Western New York, 1944Ottamar Hamele#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Biography-Genealogy#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Apr 20, 2024And they thanked God : a chronicle of pioneering in Western New York, 1944
Horticultural botany; from the Proceedings of the Western New York Horticultural Society for 1886E. Lewis SturtevantHorticultural botany#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Clubs-Associations··Apr 20, 2024Horticultural botany; from the Proceedings of the Western New York Horticultural Society for 1886
Northern sugar cane manual, 1883Geo. L. Squier Manufacturing Co.#Business-Industry#Food-Drink#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jan 2, 2024Northern sugar cane manual, 1883
Improving the Marketing of Locally-Grown Vegetables in the Niagara Frontier Region, 1981R. Brian How#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Nov 18, 2023Improving the Marketing of Locally-Grown Vegetables in the Niagara Frontier Region, 1981
Wheelock & Congdon Wholesale Price Lists#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Nov 9, 2023Wheelock & Congdon Wholesale Price Lists
Buffalo Grown Summer Expo, 2022Indoor Gardens#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries··Sep 10, 2023Buffalo Grown Summer Expo, 2022
Wages and wage rates of grape harvest workers in Chautauqua and Erie Counties, New York, : week ended October 14, 1945U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Sep 4, 2023Wages and wage rates of grape harvest workers in Chautauqua and Erie Counties, New York, : week ended October 14, 1945
Erie County Agricultural Districts Report, 2022County of Erie#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Aug 24, 2023Erie County Agricultural Districts Report, 2022
Truck Crop Production Practices Erie County, New York, 1965U.S. Department of Agriculture#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Aug 24, 2023Truck Crop Production Practices Erie County, New York, 1965
Western New York Horticultural Society ProceedingsA few editions from 1879 to 1901#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jul 27, 2023Western New York Horticultural Society Proceedings
Butterflies of the Niagara Frontier region and beginner's guide for collecting, rearing and preserving them, 1939William Wild#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jun 26, 2023Butterflies of the Niagara Frontier region and beginner's guide for collecting, rearing and preserving them, 1939
Birds of western New York, with notes, 1893Ernest H. ShortBirds of western New York#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jun 21, 2023Birds of western New York, with notes, 1893
Common Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) distribution, diet and seasonality in western New York and morphological condition in lake and stream habitats, 2021Adam M. Haines#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jun 5, 2023Common Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) distribution, diet and seasonality in western New York and morphological condition in lake and stream habitats, 2021
Transcription of the Darius Howe Diaries, Newstead, NYDarius B. Howe.#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#Biography-Genealogy··May 3, 2023Transcription of the Darius Howe Diaries, Newstead, NY
Eugene Willett grape vine catalogs#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Mar 26, 2023Eugene Willett grape vine catalogs
Wholesale price lists, 1908-1916Willett & Wheelock#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Mar 26, 2023Wholesale price lists, 1908-1916
Bird studies for home and school; sixty common birds, their habits and haunts, 1911De Groat, Herman C.#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Mar 9, 2023Bird studies for home and school; sixty common birds, their habits and haunts, 1911
Retailing potatoes and other vegetables, Buffalo, New York, 1940Wayne A. Lee#Food-Drink#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Feb 27, 2023Retailing potatoes and other vegetables, Buffalo, New York, 1940
Muckland and upland potatoes : grade quality and wholesale price at Buffalo and Rochester, 1947Winston E. Pullen#Food-Drink#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Feb 27, 2023Muckland and upland potatoes : grade quality and wholesale price at Buffalo and Rochester, 1947
Buffalo fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale market prices, 1989-1992Federal-State Market News Service#Food-Drink#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Feb 27, 2023Buffalo fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale market prices, 1989-1992
Lower Great Lakes, Fishery Resources Office : the Erie Canal and introduced species, 2002U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Feb 20, 2023Lower Great Lakes, Fishery Resources Office : the Erie Canal and introduced species, 2002
Address Delivered Before the N.Y. State Agricultural Society, by Edward Everett, At Buffalo, Friday, October 9, 1857Edward Everett#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Feb 19, 2023Address Delivered Before the N.Y. State Agricultural Society, by Edward Everett, At Buffalo, Friday, October 9, 1857
Western New York Regional Food System Initiative, 2022Anthony Flaccavento & others#Food-Drink#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jan 5, 2023Western New York Regional Food System Initiative, 2022
From Vacant Lots to Full Pantries: Urban Agriculture Programs and the American City, 2014Jessica Owley#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife#City-Planning#Economic-Social-Conditions··Jan 5, 2023From Vacant Lots to Full Pantries: Urban Agriculture Programs and the American City, 2014
Sowing the Seeds for Southtowns Agribusiness: An Assessment of Farms and a Plan for the Future, 2009UB Regional Institute#City-Planning#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jan 1, 2023Sowing the Seeds for Southtowns Agribusiness: An Assessment of Farms and a Plan for the Future, 2009