Modernism and the Functional City: Urban Renewal In Hamilton, Ontario and Buffalo, New York, 1949-1974, 2013Margaret Rockwell#City-Planning#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Government··Mar 13, 2021Modernism and the Functional City: Urban Renewal In Hamilton, Ontario and Buffalo, New York, 1949-1974, 2013
Buffalo's Demolition Strategy, 2009Partnership for the Public Good#Government#City-Planning#Architecture-Historic-Sites··Nov 30, 2020Buffalo's Demolition Strategy, 2009
New York State Historic Tax Credit Program and Preserving Buffalo, New York: An Examination of the Program's Use and Impact in Buffalo, 2015Sarah Vonesh#Government#City-Planning#Architecture-Historic-Sites··Oct 17, 2020New York State Historic Tax Credit Program and Preserving Buffalo, New York: An Examination of the Program's Use and Impact in Buffalo, 2015
Minimum construction requirements for new dwellings...covered by the Buffalo insuring office, 1939Federal Housing Administration#Government#City-Planning#Architecture-Historic-Sites··Oct 17, 2020Minimum construction requirements for new dwellings...covered by the Buffalo insuring office, 1939