Proceedings in connection with the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane in the city of Buffalo, 1872
Sense of place: Branding the Richardson Olmsted complex through architectural motif, 2011
Lisa Mauro
Gates Circle Medical Office Building National Register Nomination, 2023
Annie Schentag & others
What to Keep and How to Keep It: A Case Study of Archival Material related to the Richardson Olmsted Campus, 2020
Isabelle C. Bateson-Brown
Downtown Civic Buildings in Buffalo, NY: Evaluating Mobility Impaired and/or Wheelchair Users Experiences with Historic Buildings, 2020
Andrew L. Abbey
Conventus building case study, 2018
University of Maryland
Buffalo State Asylum / Buffalo State Hospital National Register Nomination, 1986
Now known as the Richardson complex
State Lunatic Asylum, 400 Forest Avenue, Buffalo, Erie County, NY, 1965
HIstoric American Buildings Survey documentation of the Buffalo Psychiatric Center/Richardson Complex
Sense of place: Branding the Richardson Olmsted complex through architectural motif, 2011
Lisa Mauro
Board & Batten: The Legacy of Kirkbride and the Therapeutic Landspace, by University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning, 2019
This study brings together these disciplines to look at both the macro and micro of the Richardson Olmsted Campus (“ROC”). This is done through an analysis of the entire ROC and through an exploration of the historic barn (“Barn”) and potential future uses.
Richardson Olmsted Complex Historic Structures Report
Published in 2008, online in full text