Femme FinaleMadeline Davis#Women#LGBTQ#Biography-Genealogy·digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu·Sep 7, 2021Femme Finale
David Gerstner interview, 2013ACT-UP oral history archives#LGBTQ#Biography-Genealogy·actuporalhistory.org·May 10, 2021David Gerstner interview, 2013
Righteous sounds and reproductive justice : the influence of Ani DiFranco's music for reproductive rights activists, 2008#LGBTQ#Women#Arts-Culture#Biography-Genealogy·dr.library.brocku.ca·Dec 17, 2020Righteous sounds and reproductive justice : the influence of Ani DiFranco's music for reproductive rights activists, 2008
Face Up and Sing: Nonconformity, Bisexual Consciousness and Transversity in the Work of Ani DiFranco, 2008#Women#LGBTQ#Arts-Culture#Biography-Genealogy·core.ac.uk·Dec 17, 2020Face Up and Sing: Nonconformity, Bisexual Consciousness and Transversity in the Work of Ani DiFranco, 2008