Snow-snake as played by the Seneca-Iroquois, 1909Arthur Parker#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Sports-Recreation··Sep 5, 2023Snow-snake as played by the Seneca-Iroquois, 1909
Examination in the Evolution of Iroquois Lacrosse, 2016Christopher P. Root#Sports-Recreation#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Apr 3, 2022Examination in the Evolution of Iroquois Lacrosse, 2016
Haudenosaunee Women Lacrosse Players: Making Meaning and Embodying Sovereignty, 2018Sharity Bassett#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Sports-Recreation#Women··May 4, 2021Haudenosaunee Women Lacrosse Players: Making Meaning and Embodying Sovereignty, 2018
Iroquois Indian games and dances: drawn by Jesse Cornplanter, Seneca Indian boy, 1903#Sports-Recreation#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jan 28, 2021Iroquois Indian games and dances: drawn by Jesse Cornplanter, Seneca Indian boy, 1903