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Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area Erie and Niagara Counties, New York, 1997
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area Erie and Niagara Counties, New York, 1997
NYS Department of Transportation
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for theBuffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan AreaErie and Niagara Counties, New YorkPrepared by: ˇ ̨ ̋ ̧ ̨ ̊ ̇ ̆ ̋ ̄ ̃ˆı ̨Ù ̋Û ̋ ̄ÚÒ ̃ÔÓ ̋ÚÌ ̋Ï ̨ ̇ ̋ÎÚÙÍ ̆ ̋ÈÔËÁ
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area Erie and Niagara Counties, New York, 1997