Comprehensive Transit Plan for Buffalo, 1932International Railway Company#Transportation··Mar 2, 2024Comprehensive Transit Plan for Buffalo, 1932
Trip of Prince Michel Hilkoff, Imperial Minister of Ways and Communication of Russia, New York to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, via "America's greatest railroad, 1896#Transportation#Biography-Genealogy··Feb 27, 2024Trip of Prince Michel Hilkoff, Imperial Minister of Ways and Communication of Russia, New York to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, via "America's greatest railroad, 1896
Pierce-Arrow: America's Finest Motor Car, 1931Salon Group#Product-Catalogs#Transportation··Feb 21, 2024Pierce-Arrow: America's Finest Motor Car, 1931
Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway, 1908-1919, 1963William Reed Gordon#Transportation··Feb 1, 2024Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway, 1908-1919, 1963
Concrete Streets, 1927Buffalo Municipal Research Bureau#Transportation#City-Planning#Government··Jan 26, 2024Concrete Streets, 1927
Official Proceedings of the Central Railway Club, 1901Central Railway Club#Transportation#Clubs-Associations··Jan 26, 2024Official Proceedings of the Central Railway Club, 1901
Summer Faculty Workshop for Minority Institution Faculty, 1981University at Buffalo#Transportation#Ethnic-Groups#Education··Jan 26, 2024Summer Faculty Workshop for Minority Institution Faculty, 1981
Williamsville Toll Barrier Improvement Project, 2006NY State Department of Transportation#Transportation··Jan 3, 2024Williamsville Toll Barrier Improvement Project, 2006
Seneca Nation Long Range Transportation Plan, 2021Seneca Nation#Transportation#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jan 3, 2024Seneca Nation Long Range Transportation Plan, 2021
Comments Submitted by Community Orgs : Kensington Expressway Project, 2023PIN 5512.52#Transportation··Jan 2, 2024Comments Submitted by Community Orgs : Kensington Expressway Project, 2023
2035 Long-Range Rransportation Plan Update, 2010Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council#Transportation#City-Planning··Jan 2, 20242035 Long-Range Rransportation Plan Update, 2010
U.S. Road 219, Springville to Salamanca: Partial build report, 2004US Department of Transportation#Transportation#City-Planning··Jan 2, 2024U.S. Road 219, Springville to Salamanca: Partial build report, 2004
Robinson & Ladiana vs NYSDOT, 2023Kensington Expressway lawsuit#Transportation#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Jan 2, 2024Robinson & Ladiana vs NYSDOT, 2023
Ohio Street and Inner Harbor Infrastructure Improvements Civic Project, 2013Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation#Transportation#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#City-Planning··Jan 2, 2024Ohio Street and Inner Harbor Infrastructure Improvements Civic Project, 2013
Project Scoping Report: Kensington Expressway, 2022NY State Department of Transportation#Transportation··Jan 2, 2024Project Scoping Report: Kensington Expressway, 2022
NY State Highway Bridges in Erie County, 2023NY State Department of Transportation#Transportation··Jan 2, 2024NY State Highway Bridges in Erie County, 2023
County roads in Erie County, 2021NY State Department of Transportation#Transportation··Jan 2, 2024County roads in Erie County, 2021
Transit Development Plan, 2023Niagara Frontier Transit Authority#Transportation··Jan 2, 2024Transit Development Plan, 2023
Transportation Demand Management Policy Guide, 2017City of Buffalo#Transportation#Government··Dec 15, 2023Transportation Demand Management Policy Guide, 2017
Beauty and Power Features of the Thomas Automobiles, 1904E.R. Thomas Motor Co.#Transportation#Product-Catalogs··Dec 11, 2023Beauty and Power Features of the Thomas Automobiles, 1904
Phoebe Snow: Shortest Route between New York—Buffalo, 1949Lackawanna Railroad#Transportation··Dec 10, 2023Phoebe Snow: Shortest Route between New York—Buffalo, 1949
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area Erie and Niagara Counties, New York, 1997NYS Department of TransportationIntelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for theBuffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan AreaErie and Niagara Counties, New YorkPrepared by: ˇ ̨ ̋ ̧ ̨ ̊ ̇ ̆ ̋ ̄ ̃ˆı ̨Ù ̋Û ̋ ̄ÚÒ ̃ÔÓ ̋ÚÌ ̋Ï ̨ ̇ ̋ÎÚÙÍ ̆ ̋ÈÔËÁ#Transportation··Nov 25, 2023Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Study for the Buffalo and Niagara Falls Metropolitan Area Erie and Niagara Counties, New York, 1997
New York Central Terminal National Register Nomination, 1984Also known as Buffalo Central Terminal#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Transportation··Oct 24, 2023New York Central Terminal National Register Nomination, 1984
Phase 2 Outreach Plan: Buffalo, NY ITS4US Deployment Project, 2022Katie O'Sullivan & others#Transportation··Sep 25, 2023Phase 2 Outreach Plan: Buffalo, NY ITS4US Deployment Project, 2022
Humboldt Parkway Deck Economic Impact-Study, 2014University at Buffalo Regional Institute#Transportation·efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj·Sep 25, 2023Humboldt Parkway Deck Economic Impact-Study, 2014
NYS Route 33, Kensington Expressway Project Scoping Report, 2022NYSDOT#Transportation·efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj·Sep 25, 2023NYS Route 33, Kensington Expressway Project Scoping Report, 2022
Steamers to Canada, 1970The Buffalo History Museum#Transportation··Sep 6, 2023Steamers to Canada, 1970
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Annual Report, 1974-75#Transportation··Aug 28, 2023Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Annual Report, 1974-75
Annual Reports of the Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh Railway, 1891-1913with gaps#Transportation··Aug 25, 2023Annual Reports of the Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh Railway, 1891-1913