Charter and by-laws of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, together with the will of Dr. George E. Hayes, and the legislative act, providing for the establishment and management of the permanent fund, 1890 & 1905
Annual report of the executive committee of the Young Men's Association of the City of Buffalo, and the record of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the Association, also, the ... annual report of the real estate commissioners of the Association, 1836-1879
Gemeinschaftliche Gesangbuch, zum gottesdienstlichen Gebrauch der Lutherischen und Reformirten Gemeinden in Nord-Amerika. Mit einem Anhange von Morgen-und Abendgebeten, 1849
Portraits, Preservation & Pedigrees: An Introduction to Photographic Portraiture, Photographs as a Means of Genealogical Research, and a Preservation Case Study of the Howard D. Beach Studio Collection of Glass Plate Negatives