Basis for Development of an Exposure Matrix for Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Lackawanna, New York; Period of Operation: 1949-1952U.S. Centers for Disease Control#Business-Industry#Health-Medicine··Aug 25, 2023Basis for Development of an Exposure Matrix for Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Lackawanna, New York; Period of Operation: 1949-1952
Erie County-Wide Shared Services Plan, 2021Mark C. Poloncarz#Government··Aug 25, 2023Erie County-Wide Shared Services Plan, 2021
Bethlehem Steel-Woodlawn Beach Shoreline: Master Plan, 2021Erie County Industrial Development Agency#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Aug 25, 2023Bethlehem Steel-Woodlawn Beach Shoreline: Master Plan, 2021
United States Courthouse, 2012William Pederson#Government#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Architecture-Historic-Sites··Aug 25, 2023United States Courthouse, 2012
Buffalo Hotel Guide, 2019Visit Buffalo Niagara#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Sports-Recreation··Aug 25, 2023Buffalo Hotel Guide, 2019
Central Railway Chronicle: Official Proceedings, 1893-1977Central Railway Club of Buffalo#Transportation#Clubs-Associations··Aug 25, 2023Central Railway Chronicle: Official Proceedings, 1893-1977
Specifications for painting and varnishing, being a complete form of specification for painting and varnishing for the aid of architects and builders in preparing contracts, 1898Pratt & Lambert#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Arts-Culture··Aug 25, 2023Specifications for painting and varnishing, being a complete form of specification for painting and varnishing for the aid of architects and builders in preparing contracts, 1898
Declaration Statement -- Record of Decision: Pfohl Brothers Landfill, 1992NY State Department of Environmental Protection#Science-Environment··Aug 24, 2023Declaration Statement -- Record of Decision: Pfohl Brothers Landfill, 1992
Fisher-Price ManualsOver 2,200 full text toy manuals from the East Aurora company.#Sports-Recreation#Arts-Culture#Product-Catalogs··Aug 24, 2023Fisher-Price Manuals
Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority...Needs to Improve Controls and Operational Procedures Regarding Its Capital Fund Program, 2009Office of Inspector General, HUD#Government#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Aug 24, 2023Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority...Needs to Improve Controls and Operational Procedures Regarding Its Capital Fund Program, 2009
Village of Williamsville Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, 2022#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Aug 24, 2023Village of Williamsville Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, 2022
Twenty-First Infantry rosterCivil War soldiers#Military-Wars··Aug 24, 2023Twenty-First Infantry roster
East Aurora Trustee Board Minutes, 1913-presentVillage of East Aurora#Government#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Aug 24, 2023East Aurora Trustee Board Minutes, 1913-present
Elmhurst, East Aurora, 2011Peter W. Clement#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Aug 24, 2023Elmhurst, East Aurora, 2011
Loblaw Companies Limited Annual Report, 1975Loblaw, Inc.#Food-Drink#Business-Industry··Aug 24, 2023Loblaw Companies Limited Annual Report, 1975
Loblaw Companies Limited Annual Report, 1985Loblaw, Inc.#Business-Industry#Food-Drink··Aug 24, 2023Loblaw Companies Limited Annual Report, 1985
Loblaw Inc. Annual Report, 1969Loblaw, Inc.#Food-Drink#Business-Industry··Aug 24, 2023Loblaw Inc. Annual Report, 1969
Lockport Expressway Extension, Erie County: Environmental Impact Statement, 1987U.S. Department of Transportation#Transportation··Aug 24, 2023Lockport Expressway Extension, Erie County: Environmental Impact Statement, 1987
Erie County Agricultural Districts Report, 2022County of Erie#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Aug 24, 2023Erie County Agricultural Districts Report, 2022
Truck Crop Production Practices Erie County, New York, 1965U.S. Department of Agriculture#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Aug 24, 2023Truck Crop Production Practices Erie County, New York, 1965
Progress of the Empire State: History of Buffalo, 1913J.N. Larned#General-Histories··Aug 24, 2023Progress of the Empire State: History of Buffalo, 1913
Civilization: A lecture delivered in the City of Buffalo, 1855Thomas O'Flaherty#Arts-Culture··Aug 24, 2023Civilization: A lecture delivered in the City of Buffalo, 1855
American Housing Survey for the Buffalo Metropolitan Area, 1994U.S. Department of Commerce#Economic-Social-Conditions#Government··Aug 23, 2023American Housing Survey for the Buffalo Metropolitan Area, 1994
New York Federal Detention Center: City of Buffalo, Albion Site and Batavia Site, 1995U.S. Department of Justice#Government#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Aug 23, 2023New York Federal Detention Center: City of Buffalo, Albion Site and Batavia Site, 1995
War book of the One Hundred and Sixth Regiment Field Artillery, United States Army, 1917-1919Formerly the 65th regiment#Military-Wars··Aug 20, 2023War book of the One Hundred and Sixth Regiment Field Artillery, United States Army, 1917-1919
Spencer's roster of native sons (and daughters) for each locality of upstate New York, 1941Alfred Spencer#Directories#Biography-Genealogy··Aug 20, 2023Spencer's roster of native sons (and daughters) for each locality of upstate New York, 1941
Changes in Retail Trade in Buffalo 1929, 1933, 1935U.S. Census Bureau#Economic-Social-Conditions#Business-Industry··Aug 20, 2023Changes in Retail Trade in Buffalo 1929, 1933, 1935
Western New York trade union directory and manual, 1944-1956Greater Buffalo Industrial Union Council, AFL-CIO#Labor-Activism-Movements#Directories··Aug 20, 2023Western New York trade union directory and manual, 1944-1956
Pictorial Year-book and Calendar for 1888, with Buffalo Events in 1887, valuable statistics, etcBuffalo Illustrated Express#Pictures-Images#General-Histories#Media··Aug 15, 2023Pictorial Year-book and Calendar for 1888, with Buffalo Events in 1887, valuable statistics, etc
Catalog of Wood and Steel Hames and Hame Trimmings, 1918U.S. Hame Company#Product-Catalogs··Aug 14, 2023Catalog of Wood and Steel Hames and Hame Trimmings, 1918