Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries, vol. 1, 1965Federal Water Pollution Control Administration#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Science-Environment··Aug 12, 2023Conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries, vol. 1, 1965
Roswell Park Scanner, 1957-1987Employee newsletter#Health-Medicine#Media··Aug 11, 2023Roswell Park Scanner, 1957-1987
Jesus the Liberator Seminary of Religious Justice, Annual Reports 2007-2022#Religion-Philosophy#Education··Aug 11, 2023Jesus the Liberator Seminary of Religious Justice, Annual Reports 2007-2022
Buffalo Latino Village monthly newspaper2018 to the present#Ethnic-Groups#Media··Aug 11, 2023Buffalo Latino Village monthly newspaper
Irish Nicknames, 2001Buffalo Irish Genealogical Society#Ethnic-Groups#Biography-Genealogy··Aug 11, 2023Irish Nicknames, 2001
County court journal January 31, 1876 through April 27, 1876, Erie County Court, Judge Haight, Vol. IV TranscriptWestern NY Genealogical Society#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Aug 11, 2023County court journal January 31, 1876 through April 27, 1876, Erie County Court, Judge Haight, Vol. IV Transcript
Album pamiątkowe i przewodnik handlowy : osady polskiej w mieście Buffalo, z dołączeniem okolicznych miejscowósci ze stanu New York, 1906Partial translation of "Memorial album and business directory of the Polish settlement in Buffalo and vicinity"Memorial album and business directory of the Polish settlement in Buffalo and vicinity#Ethnic-Groups#Directories··Aug 11, 2023Album pamiątkowe i przewodnik handlowy : osady polskiej w mieście Buffalo, z dołączeniem okolicznych miejscowósci ze stanu New York, 1906
Know Your Buffalo: Visualizing Buffalo's Maritime Greatness, 1926Buffalo Real Estate Board#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Aug 11, 2023Know Your Buffalo: Visualizing Buffalo's Maritime Greatness, 1926
Album pamiątkowe i przewodnik handlowy : osady polskiej w mieście Buffalo, z dołączeniem okolicznych miejscowósci ze stanu New York, 1906"Memorial album and business directory of the Polish settlement in Buffalo and vicinity," 1906#Ethnic-Groups#Directories··Aug 11, 2023Album pamiątkowe i przewodnik handlowy : osady polskiej w mieście Buffalo, z dołączeniem okolicznych miejscowósci ze stanu New York, 1906
Negro Directory of the Niagara Frontier, 1958Niagara Negro Sales Service#Black-History#Directories··Aug 11, 2023Negro Directory of the Niagara Frontier, 1958
Black Love Resists in the Rust Class Action Complaint, 2018#Black-History#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Aug 10, 2023Black Love Resists in the Rust Class Action Complaint, 2018
Buffalo Police Department Annual Report, 2022Includes 2022 blizzard report#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Climate-Weather··Aug 10, 2023Buffalo Police Department Annual Report, 2022
Blizzard of 2022 After-Action Review, 2023NY State Division of Homeland Security#Climate-Weather#Government··Aug 9, 2023Blizzard of 2022 After-Action Review, 2023
Annual Report of the Buffalo Merchants' Exchange, Including Statistics of the Trade and Commerce of Buffalo, 1901#Business-Industry··Aug 9, 2023Annual Report of the Buffalo Merchants' Exchange, Including Statistics of the Trade and Commerce of Buffalo, 1901
Weathering Change in WNY: Climatic Trend Analysis (1965-2016), 2017Stephen Vermette#Climate-Weather··Aug 6, 2023Weathering Change in WNY: Climatic Trend Analysis (1965-2016), 2017
Lake Erie-Niagara River Ice Boom Operations and Impacts, 1983National Research Council#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Aug 2, 2023Lake Erie-Niagara River Ice Boom Operations and Impacts, 1983
Distribution of PCB and pesticide contaminants in the vicinity of the Times Beach Confined Disposal Facility, Buffalo, 1990United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Buffalo District. Netherlands Central Organization for Applied Scientific Research.··Aug 2, 2023Distribution of PCB and pesticide contaminants in the vicinity of the Times Beach Confined Disposal Facility, Buffalo, 1990
Request for Proposals: Bethlehem Steel Site Master Plan/Environmental Impact Statement, 2018ECIDA#Business-Industry··Jul 31, 2023Request for Proposals: Bethlehem Steel Site Master Plan/Environmental Impact Statement, 2018
Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Comparison of Greenhouse Gases Emitted from Government Operations in 2016 and 2019, Grand Island, 2021University at Buffalo#Climate-Weather#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jul 31, 2023Government Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Comparison of Greenhouse Gases Emitted from Government Operations in 2016 and 2019, Grand Island, 2021
Heat and Health Profile Report: Erie County, 2019NY State Department of Health#Climate-Weather#Health-Medicine··Jul 31, 2023Heat and Health Profile Report: Erie County, 2019
Local Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study: Lancaster, NY, 2021Uniuverdity at Buffalo#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places#Climate-Weather··Jul 31, 2023Local Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study: Lancaster, NY, 2021
Sikes book of office furniture, 1939Sikes Company#Product-Catalogs··Jul 29, 2023Sikes book of office furniture, 1939
American business women, 1890-1930: Creating an identity, 1997Extensive discussion of Buffalo women#Women#Business-Industry#Biography-Genealogy··Jul 28, 2023American business women, 1890-1930: Creating an identity, 1997
Quoth the RavenLiterary magazine#Arts-Culture#Media#Education··Jul 27, 2023Quoth the Raven
Western New York Horticultural Society ProceedingsA few editions from 1879 to 1901#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries#Agriculture-Animals-Wildlife··Jul 27, 2023Western New York Horticultural Society Proceedings
Pre-Iroquoian Algonkian Indians of Central and Western New York, 1919Alanson SkinnerPre-Iroquoian Algonkian Indians of Central and Western New York#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jul 27, 2023Pre-Iroquoian Algonkian Indians of Central and Western New York, 1919
Seneca Indian villages : principal settlements between Canandaigua and Seneca Lake, 1889George Conover#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jul 26, 2023Seneca Indian villages : principal settlements between Canandaigua and Seneca Lake, 1889
Buffalo Harbor Marina Project: Interim Report, 1967?Frederick R. Harris#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jul 26, 2023Buffalo Harbor Marina Project: Interim Report, 1967?
Ellicott Creek Biological Assessment, 2001NY State Department of Environmental Conservation#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jul 26, 2023Ellicott Creek Biological Assessment, 2001
Scott Aviation Newsletter, 1982-1997#Media#Transportation··Jul 25, 2023Scott Aviation Newsletter, 1982-1997