Re-visioning brownfields: A regional strategic approach, 2007Saratoga Associates#Science-Environment··Mar 8, 2022Re-visioning brownfields: A regional strategic approach, 2007
Keep Buffalo Niagara Working: A Guide to Reopening Your Business, 2020Buffalo Niagara Partnership#Health-Medicine#Business-Industry··Mar 8, 2022Keep Buffalo Niagara Working: A Guide to Reopening Your Business, 2020
Brownfield Cleanup Program Application: 15 La Riviere Drive Site, Buffalo, New York, 2013TurnKey LLC#Science-Environment··Mar 8, 2022Brownfield Cleanup Program Application: 15 La Riviere Drive Site, Buffalo, New York, 2013
Wildroot Family AlbumWildroot Co.#Business-Industry#Biography-Genealogy··Mar 8, 2022Wildroot Family Album
Buffalo Area Icing and Radar Study, 2017Lincoln Laboratory & MIT#Transportation#Science-Environment#Climate-Weather··Mar 7, 2022Buffalo Area Icing and Radar Study, 2017
Noise Exposure Map Update, Draft, 2011Buffalo Niagara International Airport#Transportation··Mar 7, 2022Noise Exposure Map Update, Draft, 2011
State of Play: Western New York, 2018Aspen Institute#Sports-Recreation··Mar 7, 2022State of Play: Western New York, 2018
Recreation and Leisure Services directory, 2018-2019Parent Network of Western New York#Sports-Recreation#Directories··Mar 7, 2022Recreation and Leisure Services directory, 2018-2019
Niagara Frontier Unit Management Draft: Towns of Newstead, Collins, Otto, Persia, 2021NYS Department of Environmental Conservation#Science-Environment··Mar 7, 2022Niagara Frontier Unit Management Draft: Towns of Newstead, Collins, Otto, Persia, 2021
History of Immaculate Conception parish, East Aurora, ca. 1978#Religion-Philosophy··Mar 7, 2022History of Immaculate Conception parish, East Aurora, ca. 1978
Bishop John Timon, C.M., Sisters of Charity Hospital, and the Cholera Epidemic of 1849, 2020Dennis Castillo#Health-Medicine#Religion-Philosophy··Mar 7, 2022Bishop John Timon, C.M., Sisters of Charity Hospital, and the Cholera Epidemic of 1849, 2020
Season events, 2020Buffalo Golf Club#Sports-Recreation#Clubs-Associations··Mar 5, 2022Season events, 2020
Buffalo Men's Basketball Information Guide, 2012-2013Buffalo Bulls#Sports-Recreation··Mar 5, 2022Buffalo Men's Basketball Information Guide, 2012-2013
Buffalo Marathon Race Weekend Guide, 2021#Sports-Recreation··Mar 5, 2022Buffalo Marathon Race Weekend Guide, 2021
Letters from 31 artists, 1970Albright-Knox Art Gallery#Arts-Culture··Mar 5, 2022Letters from 31 artists, 1970
Notes on Cultural Resources in the Union Ship Canal Area, 2001Leonid Shmookler#Business-Industry#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Architecture-Historic-Sites··Mar 4, 2022Notes on Cultural Resources in the Union Ship Canal Area, 2001
Historical Summary and Archival Photos: The Hanna Furnace Corporation and Union Ship Canal, 2002Panamerican Consultants, Inc.#Business-Industry#Pictures-Images··Mar 4, 2022Historical Summary and Archival Photos: The Hanna Furnace Corporation and Union Ship Canal, 2002
Environmental Site Assessment: Former Hanna Furnace Site, Buffalo, New York, 1987Ecology & Environment#Business-Industry#Science-Environment··Mar 4, 2022Environmental Site Assessment: Former Hanna Furnace Site, Buffalo, New York, 1987
Community Impact, 2009WNY Environmental Alliance#Science-Environment··Mar 4, 2022Community Impact, 2009
Radiological survey of the Ashland Oil Company (former Haist property), Tonawanda, New York. Final report, 1978U.S. Department of Energy#Science-Environment··Mar 4, 2022Radiological survey of the Ashland Oil Company (former Haist property), Tonawanda, New York. Final report, 1978
Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey of Remediation at Building 14, Former Linde Uranium Refinery, Tonawanda, New York, 2000Oak Ridge National Laboratory#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Results of the Independent Radiological Verification Survey of Remediation at Building 14, Former Linde Uranium Refinery, Tonawanda, New York, 2000
Radiological Survey Results for the Niagara Mohawk Right-of-Way, Tonawanda, New York, 1998Oak Ridge National Laboratory#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Radiological Survey Results for the Niagara Mohawk Right-of-Way, Tonawanda, New York, 1998
Radiological Survey Results for the R.P. Adams Company Property, Tonawanda, New York, 1998Oak Ridge National Laboratory#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Radiological Survey Results for the R.P. Adams Company Property, Tonawanda, New York, 1998
Results of the radiological survey of the Excelsior Steel Ball Company, Tonawanda, New York, 1998Oak Ridge National Laboratory#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Results of the radiological survey of the Excelsior Steel Ball Company, Tonawanda, New York, 1998
Evaluation of potential geothermal reservoirs in central and western New York state. Final report, 1983Syracuse University#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Evaluation of potential geothermal reservoirs in central and western New York state. Final report, 1983
Estimation of contamination volume at Seaway Area A, New York, 1999Tonawanda, New York. Argonne National Laboratory#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Estimation of contamination volume at Seaway Area A, New York, 1999
Economic analysis of a passive solar multiple-family dwelling for upstate New York, 1982Los Alamos National Laboratory#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Economic analysis of a passive solar multiple-family dwelling for upstate New York, 1982
Airline Deregulation: Changes in Airfares and Service at Buffalo, New York, 1999General Accounting Office#Transportation··Mar 3, 2022Airline Deregulation: Changes in Airfares and Service at Buffalo, New York, 1999
Thermal sludge dryer demonstration: Bird Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, Buffalo, NY. Final report, 1995Buffalo Sewer Authority#Government#Science-Environment··Mar 3, 2022Thermal sludge dryer demonstration: Bird Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, Buffalo, NY. Final report, 1995
Manual of ProceduresBuffalo Police Department#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Mar 3, 2022Manual of Procedures