Niagara Frontier Urban Area Freight Transportation Study, ca. 2020GBNRTC#Transportation··Jan 8, 2022Niagara Frontier Urban Area Freight Transportation Study, ca. 2020
Lackawanna steel sheet piling, arched-web, straight-web, center-flange, protected and plate types, 1915Lackawanna Steel Co.#Product-Catalogs··Jan 8, 2022Lackawanna steel sheet piling, arched-web, straight-web, center-flange, protected and plate types, 1915
Buffalo's food system, 2012Kailee Neuner, Samina Raja & others#Food-Drink··Jan 8, 2022Buffalo's food system, 2012
Localizing Buffalo’s Renewable Energy Future, ca. 2017University at Buffalo#Science-Environment··Jan 7, 2022Localizing Buffalo’s Renewable Energy Future, ca. 2017
Annual report of the Canal Commissioners, 1817-1873State of NY#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jan 6, 2022Annual report of the Canal Commissioners, 1817-1873
Barge 45 Salvage Operations, Buffalo, 1988U.S. Navy#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jan 5, 2022Barge 45 Salvage Operations, Buffalo, 1988
Flash Floods of August 10, 2009, in the Villages of Gowanda and Silver Creek, New York, 2010U.S. Geological Survey#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Climate-Weather#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jan 3, 2022Flash Floods of August 10, 2009, in the Villages of Gowanda and Silver Creek, New York, 2010
Town of Alden Comprehensive Plan draft, 2010Wendel Duchscherer#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jan 3, 2022Town of Alden Comprehensive Plan draft, 2010
Traffic Study: NYS Route 5 (Buffalo Skyway), 2020Sam Schwartz & others#Transportation··Jan 3, 2022Traffic Study: NYS Route 5 (Buffalo Skyway), 2020
Traffic Impact Study: Elmwood Crossing Mixed-Use Redevelopment Project, 2018Bergmann#Transportation#City-Planning··Jan 3, 2022Traffic Impact Study: Elmwood Crossing Mixed-Use Redevelopment Project, 2018
Village of North Collins Comprehensive Plan update, 2017LaBella#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jan 3, 2022Village of North Collins Comprehensive Plan update, 2017
Mom and baby guide, 2019Catholic Health WomenGuide#Health-Medicine··Jan 3, 2022Mom and baby guide, 2019
Numbers in need: The Buffalo Niagara Region, 2020UB Regional Institute#Charities-Social-Services··Jan 3, 2022Numbers in need: The Buffalo Niagara Region, 2020
Evaluation of Child Care Deserts Across Five Western New York Counties, 2021Child Care Resource Network#Charities-Social-Services··Jan 3, 2022Evaluation of Child Care Deserts Across Five Western New York Counties, 2021
City study 2019: BuffaloCenter for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO)#Education··Jan 3, 2022City study 2019: Buffalo
Western New York support directory, 2017Parent Network#Charities-Social-Services#Directories··Jan 3, 2022Western New York support directory, 2017
Reportable Communicable Diseases Data Tables, 1996 to presentErie County Health Department:#Health-Medicine··Jan 3, 2022Reportable Communicable Diseases Data Tables, 1996 to present
Erie County Self Help Group Directory, 2019County of Erie#Charities-Social-Services#Directories··Jan 3, 2022Erie County Self Help Group Directory, 2019
Erie County Business Assistance Directory, 2020County of Erie#Business-Industry#Government#Directories··Jan 3, 2022Erie County Business Assistance Directory, 2020
Erie County Agencies & Services for Individuals with Disabilities, 2021County of Erie#Charities-Social-Services··Jan 3, 2022Erie County Agencies & Services for Individuals with Disabilities, 2021
Geology and Hydrology of the Onondaga Aquifer in Eastern Erie County, NY...1982U.S. Geological Survey#Science-Environment··Jan 2, 2022Geology and Hydrology of the Onondaga Aquifer in Eastern Erie County, NY...1982
Town of Brant, Village of Farnham master plan, 2003Peter J. Smith & Co.#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jan 2, 2022Town of Brant, Village of Farnham master plan, 2003
Hazards and Communities Affected by Those Hazards, ca. 2010County of Erie#Government#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Jan 2, 2022Hazards and Communities Affected by Those Hazards, ca. 2010
Town of Tonawanda Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, 2008Town of Tonawanda#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places··Jan 2, 2022Town of Tonawanda Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, 2008
Tonawanda Community Air Quality Study, 2009NY State Department of Environmental Conservation#Science-Environment··Jan 2, 2022Tonawanda Community Air Quality Study, 2009
Engineering Investigations at Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites: E.I. DuPont, Site Number 915019, City of Buffalo, 1990NY State Department of Environmental Conservation#Science-Environment··Jan 2, 2022Engineering Investigations at Inactive Hazardous Waste Sites: E.I. DuPont, Site Number 915019, City of Buffalo, 1990
Volunteer ambassador handbook, 2018Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper#Science-Environment#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jan 1, 2022Volunteer ambassador handbook, 2018
Domestic violence during Covid-19: Snapshot of Erie County, NY, 2021University at Buffalo Gender Institute#Women#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Jan 1, 2022Domestic violence during Covid-19: Snapshot of Erie County, NY, 2021
Village of Kenmore police reform plan, 2021Village of Kenmore#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Jan 1, 2022Village of Kenmore police reform plan, 2021
Collaboration, Communication and Community-Building: A new model of policing for 21st century Buffalo, ca. 2017Partnership for the Public Good#Crime-Law-Public Safety··Jan 1, 2022Collaboration, Communication and Community-Building: A new model of policing for 21st century Buffalo, ca. 2017