East Buffalo Good Neighbors’ Planning Alliance Neighborhood Plan: "Preserving Our Heritage and Planning Our Future!” 2007Broadway-Fillmore, Emerson, Lovejoy, Babcock, Kaisertown#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Sep 27, 2021East Buffalo Good Neighbors’ Planning Alliance Neighborhood Plan: "Preserving Our Heritage and Planning Our Future!” 2007
Edward H. Webster House, 164 Lincoln Parkway, 2015Junior League Decorator Show House#Architecture-Historic-Sites·buffaloah.com·Sep 27, 2021Edward H. Webster House, 164 Lincoln Parkway, 2015
Preservation Buffalo Niagara newsletters2017 to present#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Media·preservationbuffaloniagara.org·Sep 27, 2021Preservation Buffalo Niagara newsletters
History of the Rotary Club of Buffalo, 1911-1955#Clubs-Associations·digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu·Sep 27, 2021History of the Rotary Club of Buffalo, 1911-1955
Rotary Club of Buffalo newsletters2014-present#Clubs-Associations#Media·buffalonyrotary.org·Sep 27, 2021Rotary Club of Buffalo newsletters
College Club of Buffalo newsletters2016 to present#Clubs-Associations#Women#Media·collegeclubofbuffalo.com·Sep 27, 2021College Club of Buffalo newsletters
Welcome to the Buffalo Club, ca. 2015?#Clubs-Associations·thebuffaloclub.org·Sep 27, 2021Welcome to the Buffalo Club, ca. 2015?
Power Book: Connecting Women Leaders in Buffalo, 2021County of Erie#Women#Clubs-Associations#Directories·www3.erie.gov·Sep 27, 2021Power Book: Connecting Women Leaders in Buffalo, 2021
Buffalo Niagara Product Guide, 2019For convention & meeting planners. Visit Buffalo Niagara#Clubs-Associations·visitbuffaloniagara.com·Sep 27, 2021Buffalo Niagara Product Guide, 2019
Imagining the Future of Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY, ca. 2015?UB Regional Institute#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Sep 27, 2021Imagining the Future of Niagara Street, Buffalo, NY, ca. 2015?
Concept document: Redevelopment of 500 block of Main Street, 2007Urban Design Project#City-Planning·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Sep 27, 2021Concept document: Redevelopment of 500 block of Main Street, 2007
MollyOlga: 35 Years, 1995Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center#Arts-Culture·hallwalls.org·Sep 27, 2021MollyOlga: 35 Years, 1995
Green infrastructure solutions to Buffalo's sewer overflow challenge, 2011Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper#Science-Environment#City-Planning#Government·bnwaterkeeper.org·Sep 27, 2021Green infrastructure solutions to Buffalo's sewer overflow challenge, 2011
Buffalo fresh at the Green Commons: Food hub development at 925/927 Washington Street, 2014University at Buffalo#Food-Drink·growingfoodconnections.org·Sep 27, 2021Buffalo fresh at the Green Commons: Food hub development at 925/927 Washington Street, 2014
Beyond traffic: The smart city initiative, 2016Niagara International Transportation Technology Coalition (NITTEC)#Transportation·transportation.gov·Sep 27, 2021Beyond traffic: The smart city initiative, 2016
Fruit Belt strategic plan, 2018City of Buffalo#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·cdn.website-editor.net·Sep 27, 2021Fruit Belt strategic plan, 2018
Equity Preservation workshop final report, 2017Cornell University#City-Planning#Social-&-Economic-Conditions·ppgbuffalo.org·Sep 27, 2021Equity Preservation workshop final report, 2017
Masten Park/Cold Spring neighborhood revitalization, 2018LISC Buffalo#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·lisc.org·Sep 27, 2021Masten Park/Cold Spring neighborhood revitalization, 2018
Better on Bailey: Infrastructure plan, 2018Matt Straub#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·udcda.org·Sep 27, 2021Better on Bailey: Infrastructure plan, 2018
Bailey Avenue Project, 1997University Community Initiative#City-Planning#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·ubwp.buffalo.edu·Sep 27, 2021Bailey Avenue Project, 1997
Cold Spring North Masten Park historic resources survey, 2010Francis R. Kowsky & Martin Wachadlo#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·preservationbuffaloniagara.org·Sep 27, 2021Cold Spring North Masten Park historic resources survey, 2010
Water quality of the Buffalo River: There is hope for remediation, 1990Kate Brill#Science-Environment#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·web.williams.edu·Sep 26, 2021Water quality of the Buffalo River: There is hope for remediation, 1990
Buffalo River Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Groundwater Injury Determination at Selected Sites Adjacent to the Buffalo River, 2014Christopher Lewis & others#Science-Environment#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·vdocuments.net·Sep 26, 2021Buffalo River Natural Resource Damage Assessment: Groundwater Injury Determination at Selected Sites Adjacent to the Buffalo River, 2014
Scajaquada Creek Stream Assessment, 2017Buffalo State College#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·geographyplanning.buffalostate.edu·Sep 26, 2021Scajaquada Creek Stream Assessment, 2017
Our Neighbors the Tuscaroras, ca. 1916Frank Severance#Seneca-Haudenosaunee·babel.hathitrust.org·Sep 26, 2021Our Neighbors the Tuscaroras, ca. 1916
Statistics relating to the government of the city of Buffalo, N.Y. and early history of Buffalo Creek, 1896Philip Becker#Government#General-Histories·archive.org·Sep 26, 2021Statistics relating to the government of the city of Buffalo, N.Y. and early history of Buffalo Creek, 1896
Special Flood Hazard Evaluation Report: Tannery Brook, Village of East Aurora, Erie County, 1997Defense Technical Information Center#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·archive.org·Sep 26, 2021Special Flood Hazard Evaluation Report: Tannery Brook, Village of East Aurora, Erie County, 1997
Flood Plain Information, Ellicott Creek in the City of Tonawanda and in the Towns of Tonawanda, Amherst, Cheektowaga, and Lancaster, 1971Defense Technical Information Center#Canals-Harbors-Waterways#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·archive.org·Sep 26, 2021Flood Plain Information, Ellicott Creek in the City of Tonawanda and in the Towns of Tonawanda, Amherst, Cheektowaga, and Lancaster, 1971
Cazenovia Creek Ice-Control Structure, 2000Defense Technical Information Center#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·archive.org·Sep 26, 2021Cazenovia Creek Ice-Control Structure, 2000
Public choices and the dynamics of sprawl, 2003League of Women Voters#City-Planning#Government·regional-institute.buffalo.edu·Sep 25, 2021Public choices and the dynamics of sprawl, 2003