Ancient wreck and stockade. Two papers read before the Society, March 4, 1867E.H. Stewart and O.H. Marshall#General-Histories··Jun 21, 2021Ancient wreck and stockade. Two papers read before the Society, March 4, 1867
From Lake Erie to Morocco. The diplomatic controversy occasioned by the visit of a vessel from the Great Lakes, with a Buffalo captain, to Mediterranean ports in 1859George V. Brown#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021From Lake Erie to Morocco. The diplomatic controversy occasioned by the visit of a vessel from the Great Lakes, with a Buffalo captain, to Mediterranean ports in 1859
Personal recollections of Captains Jones and Parish, and of the payment of Indian annuities in BuffaloOrlando Allen#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Personal recollections of Captains Jones and Parish, and of the payment of Indian annuities in Buffalo
Notes on the literature of the war of 1812Frank Severance#Military-Wars··Jun 21, 2021Notes on the literature of the war of 1812
Early days on the Lakes, with an account of the cholera visitation of 1832Augustus Walker#Government#Health-Medicine#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jun 21, 2021Early days on the Lakes, with an account of the cholera visitation of 1832
Early trade routes. Adventures and recollections of a pioneer trader, with an account of his share in the building of Buffalo harborJames Sloan#Business-Industry#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jun 21, 2021Early trade routes. Adventures and recollections of a pioneer trader, with an account of his share in the building of Buffalo harbor
Where is Buffalo? The determination of its latitude and longitude in 1861C.F.H. Peters#Science-Environment··Jun 21, 2021Where is Buffalo? The determination of its latitude and longitude in 1861
Speculative craze of '36. Extract from paper read before the society, February 6, 1863Guy H. Salisbury#Business-Industry#Economic-Social-Conditions··Jun 21, 2021Speculative craze of '36. Extract from paper read before the society, February 6, 1863
Random notes on the authors of Buffalo. Paper read before the Society, March 18 and April 15, 1889Frank Severance#Arts-Culture#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Random notes on the authors of Buffalo. Paper read before the Society, March 18 and April 15, 1889
Judah Colt's narrative; experiences as pioneer surveyor in western New York, and as agent for the Pennsylvania population company, 1789-1808#General-Histories#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Judah Colt's narrative; experiences as pioneer surveyor in western New York, and as agent for the Pennsylvania population company, 1789-1808
Henry A. Richmond; a tributeHenry R. Howland#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Henry A. Richmond; a tribute
Story of Captain Jasper Parrish, captive, interpreter and United States sub-agent to the Six Nations Indians, 1903Buffalo Historical Society#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Story of Captain Jasper Parrish, captive, interpreter and United States sub-agent to the Six Nations Indians, 1903
Nathan Kelsey Hall. Paper read before the society, March 30, 1874James O. Putnam#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Nathan Kelsey Hall. Paper read before the society, March 30, 1874
Roswell Willson Haskins. Paper read before the society, December 19, 1870Laurentius G. Sellstedt#Arts-Culture#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Roswell Willson Haskins. Paper read before the society, December 19, 1870
Forgotten people: the flint workers. Paper read before the society, March 23, 1896William R. Harris#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jun 21, 2021Forgotten people: the flint workers. Paper read before the society, March 23, 1896
Buffalo's first mayor, Dr. Ebenezer Johnson. Paper read before the society, February 12, 1877F.M. Inglehart#Government#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Buffalo's first mayor, Dr. Ebenezer Johnson. Paper read before the society, February 12, 1877
Narrative of early years in the life of Judge Augustus Porter, 1848Buffalo Historical Society#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Narrative of early years in the life of Judge Augustus Porter, 1848
National Free soil convention of '48. Held in Buffalo. Paper read before the society, January 7, 1878John Hubbell#Black-History#Underground-Railroad-Abolition··Jun 21, 2021National Free soil convention of '48. Held in Buffalo. Paper read before the society, January 7, 1878
Journeys and journals of an early Buffalo merchant [John Lay]: Paper read before the society, April 14, 1890Frank Severance#Business-Industry#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Journeys and journals of an early Buffalo merchant [John Lay]: Paper read before the society, April 14, 1890
Biographical sketch of the late Hon. Harvey Putnam, 1868James O. Putnam#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Biographical sketch of the late Hon. Harvey Putnam, 1868
Buffalo free library movement in the year 1897Henry L. Elmendorf#Arts-Culture··Jun 21, 2021Buffalo free library movement in the year 1897
Buffalo common schools. Read before the society, January 23, 1863Oliver G. Steele#Education··Jun 21, 2021Buffalo common schools. Read before the society, January 23, 1863
Last of the Kah-Kwahs. Read before the Society, March 13, 1863David Gray#Seneca-Haudenosaunee··Jun 21, 2021Last of the Kah-Kwahs. Read before the Society, March 13, 1863
Wreck of the Walk-in-the-Water, pioneer steamboat on the western lakes, 1865Mary A. Witherell Palmer#Women#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jun 21, 2021Wreck of the Walk-in-the-Water, pioneer steamboat on the western lakes, 1865
Address commemorative of George W. Clinton: delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, March 24, 1890David F. Day#Science-Environment#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Address commemorative of George W. Clinton: delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, March 24, 1890
Physiognomy of Buffalo : the annual address delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1864George W. Hosmer#General-Histories#Science-Environment··Jun 21, 2021Physiognomy of Buffalo : the annual address delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, Jan. 13, 1864
Buffalo fifty years ago. A paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, April 27, 1886Lucy Williams Hawes#Women#General-Histories#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021Buffalo fifty years ago. A paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society, April 27, 1886
Recalling pioneer days, 1922Frank H. Severance#General-Histories#Holland-Land-Company··Jun 21, 2021Recalling pioneer days, 1922
Participation of the Buffalo Historical Society in the Erie canal centenary, celebrated at Rome, N.Y., July 4, 1917#Canals-Harbors-Waterways··Jun 21, 2021Participation of the Buffalo Historical Society in the Erie canal centenary, celebrated at Rome, N.Y., July 4, 1917
James O. Putnam memorial evening, 1903Buffalo Historical Society#Crime-Law-Public Safety#Biography-Genealogy··Jun 21, 2021James O. Putnam memorial evening, 1903