Daughters of the American Revoliution, Katharine Pratt Horton ChapterPhotos & memorabilia#Women#Clubs-Associations·nyheritage.contentdm.oclc.org·Dec 20, 2022Daughters of the American Revoliution, Katharine Pratt Horton Chapter
Canisius College Buildings History and Maintenance#Education·nyheritage.org·Dec 20, 2022Canisius College Buildings History and Maintenance
Buffalo Neighborhoods | New York HeritageBuffalo & Erie County Public Library#Miscellaneous-Views·nyheritage.org·Dec 20, 2022Buffalo Neighborhoods | New York Heritage
Boris Reinstein | New York Heritage#Labor-Activism-Movements·nyheritage.org·Dec 20, 2022Boris Reinstein | New York Heritage
Dr. Anna Reinstein Collection#Women#Health-Medicine·nyheritage.org·Dec 20, 2022Dr. Anna Reinstein Collection
Marine Trust CompanyPresently 6 photos of their Main-Seneca building#Business-Industry#Architecture-Historic-Sites·history.hsbc.com·Dec 15, 2022Marine Trust Company
75th Anniversary of the Peace Bridge, 2002#Pictures-Images#Transportation·nysl.ptfs.com·Nov 24, 202275th Anniversary of the Peace Bridge, 2002
Hard Manufacturing Co., 1906Pictures of mattress production#Business-Industry·archive.org·Nov 18, 2022Hard Manufacturing Co., 1906
Buffalo: A Souvenir Book of Buffalo, New York, The City of Good Neighbors, 1948Curt Teich Co.#Miscellaneous-Views·archive.org·Nov 18, 2022Buffalo: A Souvenir Book of Buffalo, New York, The City of Good Neighbors, 1948
Album Of The Year Past, 1901 (With New Year's Greetings For 1902)Buffalo Express#McKinley-Assassination·archive.org·Nov 17, 2022Album Of The Year Past, 1901 (With New Year's Greetings For 1902)
Buffalo images from the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries and Archives, ChicagoA mix of photos & drawings of Buffalo buildings#Architecture-Historic-Sites·artic.contentdm.oclc.org·Aug 26, 2022Buffalo images from the Ryerson and Burnham Libraries and Archives, Chicago
McKim, Mead & White photo albumsIncludes pictures of the Butler mansion, known as the Williams house when it was built#Architecture-Historic-Sites·dlc.library.columbia.edu·Jul 12, 2022McKim, Mead & White photo albums
Gould Storage Battery Company39 photos courtesy of the U.S. Navy#Business-Industry·history.navy.mil·Jun 26, 2022Gould Storage Battery Company
Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Company ·Office, lab facilities, manufacturing, Elmwood Avenue complex#Business-Industry·digital.buffalolib.org·Jun 23, 2022Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Company ·
Pan-American postmarks & envelopesSiegel Auctions#Pan-American-Exposition·siegelauctions.com·Jun 19, 2022Pan-American postmarks & envelopes
Elmhurst Homestead, East Aurora, 2011#Architecture-Historic-Sites·buffaloah.com·Mar 10, 2022Elmhurst Homestead, East Aurora, 2011
Pan-American Exposition postcards and passes, 1901Buffalo & Erie County Public Library#Pan-American-Exposition·digital.buffalolib.org·Mar 6, 2022Pan-American Exposition postcards and passes, 1901
Peter Emslie's Illustrations of H.H. Richardson’s Buffalo State HospitalUniversity at Buffalo#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Health-Medicine·digital.lib.buffalo.edu·Feb 5, 2022Peter Emslie's Illustrations of H.H. Richardson’s Buffalo State Hospital
Storefront Churches, 1958-1961Milton Rogovin#Religion-Philosophy·miltonrogovin.com·Dec 29, 2021Storefront Churches, 1958-1961
Town of Holland Historical PhotosVarious dates & sources#Miscellaneous-Views#Neighborhoods-Towns-Places·townofhollandny.com·Oct 23, 2021Town of Holland Historical Photos
Millard Fillmore Hospital implosion, Gates Circle, 2017#Health-Medicine·iexpsco.com·Oct 4, 2021Millard Fillmore Hospital implosion, Gates Circle, 2017
Erie Canal Images: From Manuscripts and Special Collections at the NYS LibrarySeveral Buffalo images here#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·nysl.nysed.gov·Sep 24, 2021Erie Canal Images: From Manuscripts and Special Collections at the NYS Library
Bell Aircraft Co., Buffalo, N. Y.35 photographic prints. | Publicity photographs show manufacture fo the U.S. Army P-39 fighter aircraft, the Bell "Airacobra," 1941. Assembly line operations; plane in flight.#Business-Industry·loc.gov·Aug 6, 2021Bell Aircraft Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Photographs; 1942-2002Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church and Cemetery#Religion-Philosophy·digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu·Jul 11, 2021Photographs; 1942-2002
Forest Lawn photographsCourtesy of Forest Lawn Cemetery#Gardens-Parks-Cemeteries·cdm16694.contentdm.oclc.org·Jun 12, 2021Forest Lawn photographs
David Plowden Photographs of Buffalo, New York, 1980s-1990sGrain elevators, waterfront, industry, railroads#Architecture-Historic-Sites#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·collections.library.yale.edu·May 11, 2021David Plowden Photographs of Buffalo, New York, 1980s-1990s
Pan-American Exposition Photographs, 1901University of California - Riverside#Pan-American-Exposition·calisphere.org·Apr 25, 2021Pan-American Exposition Photographs, 1901
Thomas Indian School photographsCourtesy of the NY State Archives#Seneca-Haudenosaunee#Education·digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov·Apr 16, 2021Thomas Indian School photographs
Aerial photographs of Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna, NYCourtesy of the NY State Archives#Business-Industry·digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov·Apr 16, 2021Aerial photographs of Bethlehem Steel in Lackawanna, NY
Harbor Construction: Barge Canal at BuffaloNY State Archives#Canals-Harbors-Waterways·digitalcollections.archives.nysed.gov·Apr 16, 2021Harbor Construction: Barge Canal at Buffalo