Madeline Davis Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Archives of Western New York | State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College Pictures
Mattachine Society Photos 1970's | The Madeline Davis Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Archives of Western New York | State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College
Prominent Visitors to Buffalo
University at Buffalo
Portraits from the City of Buffalo and Erie County, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers. - University at Buffalo Libraries
Aerial Photographs of Western New York
George Nathan Newman Collection of Photographs of Vanished and Vanishing Buffalo
Courtesy of the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Buffalo Photograph Collection: Lantern slides, circa 1890-1910
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Buffalo Public School Buildings, 1908
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Ann Montgomery's Little Harlem
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Buffalo Postcards | New York Heritage
Olmsted Parks Postcards & Stereo Views
Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy
Buffalo's live men in caricature - University at Buffalo Libraries
The book, “Buffalo’s Live Men in Caricature” was published in 1913 in Buffalo, NY and highlights many prominent figures in the local political and business scene. While no individual cartoons are attributed to a specific artist, the majority of the cartoons were drawn by William Mitchell of the Buffalo Sunday Times, and Cornelius J. Kennedy (“Ken”) from the Buffalo Evening News.
Pan-American Exposition 1901, Buffalo, N.Y
[23] leaves : 21 x 27 cm