Buffalo Psychiatric Center patient case files, 1920-1975.
Buffalo Psychiatric Center patient case files, 1920-1975 are in the custody of the New York State Archives in Albany. They are not digitized or online. Privacy restrictions apply.
Buffalo State Hospital patient case files, 1881-1920.
Buffalo State Hospital patient case files, 1881-1920, are in the custody of the New York State Archives in Albany. They are not digitized or online. Privacy restrictions apply.
Index of Cholera Deaths, 1854, kept by Dr. James W. Newman, Buffalo, NY. The original ledger is in the collection of The Buffalo History Museum. Indexed by Roseanne Higgins, PhD, September 2016
New York State Archives Policy on Access to Records
Explains restrictions on state prison records and psychiatric records, which would include patient records from the Buffalo Psychiatric Center (Richardson complex).