King County Multi-Family Residential Parking Calculator
Housing+Transportation Affordability Index
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Personal Transportation Savings Calculator
Car Carbon Footprint Calculator
Public Transport Carbon Footprint Calculator
MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator
Downloadable Excel tool
Smart Growth Tools | US EPA
This page describes a variety of tools useful to federal, state, tribal, regional, and local government staff and elected officials; community leaders; developers; and others interested in smart growth development.
Alameda VMT Tool--Design Document, 2021
Instructions for useing an Excel spreadsheet
Center for Neighborhood Technologies
16 online calculators for housing, transit, social justice, etc.
GreenTRIP Connect
Try GreenTRIP Connect: A free climate impact calculator for new homes in smart places, at affordable rents, designed with affordable healthy transportation choices.
Parking Reduction - Inclusionary Housing Calculator