

It’s Obvious: Gutting Your Downtown for Parking Won’t Help Local Businesses
It’s Obvious: Gutting Your Downtown for Parking Won’t Help Local Businesses
Local governments that follow a “mindlessly pro-business” approach sacrifice community well-being in the name of commerce, but end up devastating their cities’ downtowns by misunderstanding what helps an area succeed economically. It’s time to realize that helping local businesses means helping the
It’s Obvious: Gutting Your Downtown for Parking Won’t Help Local Businesses
Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
"There is a real solution: end the off-street parking requirements mandated by archaic zoning laws enacted when gas was cheap and full of lead, elevated trains were being torn down, and flying cars were the future. With climate change now posing an existential threat, it is time to move on."
Opinion: To Lower Housing Production Costs, Put People Before Parking
Ted Sheils: Many reasons to eliminate on-site parking requirements for restaurants | COMMENTARY
Ted Sheils: Many reasons to eliminate on-site parking requirements for restaurants | COMMENTARY
Over 200 other cities in the U.S. have removed on-site parking requirements in some form or another. ... [Annapolis doesn't] have to blaze this path, but we should heed the lessons learned by others who already have.
Ted Sheils: Many reasons to eliminate on-site parking requirements for restaurants | COMMENTARY