

What Have Workers Done with the Time Freed up by Commuting Less? - Liberty Street Economics
What Have Workers Done with the Time Freed up by Commuting Less? - Liberty Street Economics
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way Americans spend their time. One of the most enduring shifts has occurred in the workplace, with millions of employees making the switch to work from home. Even as the pandemic has waned, more than 15 percent of full-time employees remain fully remote and an additional 30 percent work in hybrid arrangements (Barrero, Bloom, and Davis). These changes have substantially reduced time spent commuting to work; in the aggregate, Americans now spend 60 million fewer hours traveling to work each day. In this post, we investigate how people spend this saved time on other activities. Using detailed data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), we find that employed individuals allocate their saved commute time toward leisure activities and sleeping, while reducing overall work hours.
What Have Workers Done with the Time Freed up by Commuting Less? - Liberty Street Economics
Cars take up way too much space in cities. New technology could change that. | The new new economy
Cars take up way too much space in cities. New technology could change that. | The new new economy
When we talk about the problems associated with cars and transportation, we often focus on fatal accidents, or air pollution, or traffic jams. We less frequently consider how much sheer space cars take up in America’s cities. But let’s pause to give this some thought....
Cars take up way too much space in cities. New technology could change that. | The new new economy
Sidewalk Labs launches Pebble, a sensor that uses real-time data to manage city parking
Sidewalk Labs launches Pebble, a sensor that uses real-time data to manage city parking
Sidewalk Labs, Alphabet’s urban innovation organization, has announced the launch of Pebble, a vehicle sensor that’s designed to help manage parking in cities by providing real-time parking and curb availability data. Here’s how it works: Small spherical sensors are stuck to the ground on parking s…
Sidewalk Labs launches Pebble, a sensor that uses real-time data to manage city parking
"DDOT Launches New Digital Parking Permit System"
"DDOT Launches New Digital Parking Permit System"
From DDOT: "Today, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) announced the preliminary launch of ParkDC Permits, a new, centralized digital system for DC residents and their visitors to manage visitor, temporary, home health aide, and contractor parking permits via a single online portal.
"DDOT Launches New Digital Parking Permit System"
The Pandemic Cleared the Way for Smarter Parking Tech
The Pandemic Cleared the Way for Smarter Parking Tech
Several cities have taken advantage of nearly empty streets and parking structures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to roll out technology upgrades for when — and if — drivers return to downtown areas.
The Pandemic Cleared the Way for Smarter Parking Tech