D.C. parking, traffic tickets snowball into financial hardships
Traffic and parking tickets are issued more often in Black neighborhoods than White ones, according to data from D.C. analyzed by The Washington Post. Advocates for changing the District’s system of fees and fines say the disparities show that the city’s ticketing and traffic enforcement policies not only target Black drivers but criminalize poverty.
No handicapped parking outside houses in La Crosse, an unwritten rule
They say no to everybody. That’s the answer a La Crosse woman got from City Hall when she asked to have a special handicapped parking space reserved outside her house, and was turned down. Eileen Kennedy tells the La Crosse board of public works this week that she would like a handicapped space designated outside […]
Driving, er, running advocates mourn the start of metered parking at Montrose Harbor – Streetsblog Chicago
Despite the backlash from those who argued that free, super-convenient parking is a social justice issue, the city installed the pay-and-display boxes, and the meters were activated this morning.
I-Team discovers Metro employees parking for free with invalid disabled parking placards
Would;t it be nice to park your car for free? That's something many of us think of when we roll up to a parking meter in the DMV. Well, some Metro employees in Montgomery County have figured out a way to get free parking, and they're using invalid disabled parking placards to do it. That's what the 7News I-Team uncovered after a two-month investigation looking at Metro workers who park outside a bus garage in Bethesda, Maryland. WMATA bus garage.
The opposite of just: Subsidized driving and the burden of climate change
How, in the middle of a climate crisis, does it make sense to make driving artificially cheap by refusing to charge drivers the full cost it imposes on society? And how can subsidizing driving be considered “just” when it threatens the futures not only of people with far fewer resources around the world, but also future generations, who don’t have a say in the matter at all?