Affordable Housing and the Dubious Promise of Inclusionary Zoning
It doesn't create much new housing and distorts the housing market, providing little if any help for low-income households. It's no substitute for broad liberalization of zoning policies.
Bend City Council considering removing parking requirements | Local&State |
Getting rid of parking requirements is being considered in Bend, with advocates arguing fewer requirements lead to a more sustainable and affordable future and opponents arguing no requirements will cause
Dorchester apartment building aimed at homeless families rejected
The Zoning Board of Appeal today rejected a proposal by the non-profit Heading Home to replace a crumbling 10-unit apartment building at 37 Wales St. in Dorchester with 23 new apartments rented to families trying to get out of homelessness. Read more.
Why we shouldn't apply "value capture" to parking reform — Better Institutions
Value capture policies make sense when land is upzoned, but for parking it's different. Tying value capture to parking reductions amounts to "double dipping," with a lose-lose-lose result: less housing, higher rents, and more parking.
Why Is It So Hard For Dallas to Address Affordable Housing? - D Magazine
Amid scandals, setbacks, and few incentives for developers, the city admits it needs to make changes. Now it's time to see whether they finally happen.
Fairfax County could replace parking lots with affordable housing
Fairfax County may be swapping out some of its extra parking space at the Fairfax County Government Center for affordable housing. You’ll soon have a chance to tell the board what you think.
Housing is coming soon to BART's Millbrae Station. The price? 600 parking spots
A huge development at the station promises a hotel and hundreds of homes, including low-income apartments for veterans. But it’s drawn criticism for removing parking spaces.