Many Colorado cities require parking with new housing. Here’s why lawmakers just passed a bill that will undo some of those rulesAdvocates say this is one of the most ambitious attempts to reform parking laws in the country.#newsletter#Housing & Density#Parking-Statewide reform#Parking-MinimumsParkingReformNetwork··May 20, 2024Many Colorado cities require parking with new housing. Here’s why lawmakers just passed a bill that will undo some of those rules
The six major Colorado land-use bills passed by Democrats in the legislature and aimed at housing affordabilityThe measures are aimed at making housing more affordable by increasing density and eliminating roadblocks to development#newsletter#Parking-Statewide reform#Housing & Density#Parking-MinimumsParkingReformNetwork··May 20, 2024The six major Colorado land-use bills passed by Democrats in the legislature and aimed at housing affordability