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More States — and the Feds — Are Getting into Zoning Reform for Sustainable Transport
More States — and the Feds — Are Getting into Zoning Reform for Sustainable Transport
New efforts by federal and state authorities to encourage the construction of housing in walkable and transit-rich communities suggests that many cities’ best chance at progressive zoning ref…
More States — and the Feds — Are Getting into Zoning Reform for Sustainable Transport
Transportation For America How zoning keeps the number of low-emission neighborhoods artificially low - Transportation For America
Transportation For America How zoning keeps the number of low-emission neighborhoods artificially low - Transportation For America
Many Americans want to live in walkable neighborhoods that are served by rapid public transportation. But these neighborhoods are few and far between and incredibly expensive to live in. That’s because in many cities and towns, building walkable neighborhoods is illegal, putting a premium on the few dense communities that exist.
Transportation For America How zoning keeps the number of low-emission neighborhoods artificially low - Transportation For America