Parking paralysis: Developers, activists, and city officials say parking requirements are blocking needed development
With concerns over a lack of affordable housing dominating headlines, communities across the country are starting to reconsider the issue of mandatory parking minimums.
From university town to density town: Charlottesville passes huge zoning reform
In December 2023, the Charlottesville City Council unanimously passed sweeping pro-housing reforms that abolished mandatory parking minimums, modernized the permitting process, legalized duplexes citywide, and more.
As Stamford Grows 11.5%, Parking at Issue
STAMFORD – A parking study that began three weeks before the onset of COVID-19 has been released, concluding that the pandemic added to events that were already shifting patterns in the city. Changes in population and the workforce that unfolded between 2010 and 2020, the first year of the pandemic, substantially affected parking demand, the […]
Proposal to eliminate large commercial parking lots in Lincoln clears first hurdle
The Lincoln-Lancaster County Planning Commission recommended approving a plan to eliminate minimum parking requirements in most commercial and industrial areas in hopes of eventually eliminating sprawling parking lots.
Study addresses Charleston’s parking issues, proposes fixes - Charleston City Paper
If you live in or commute to Charleston, you likely know about the challenges that often come with finding a place to park. But the Parking Reform Network (PRN), a national nonprofit formed to “educate the public about the impact of parking policy” recently updated its city maps to include Charleston — and it found 23% of downtown Charleston that is zoned as a business or mixed-use district is used for parking.
City of Steinbach asked to reduce parking requirements and prioritize bike paths
At Steinbach City Council’s SPC meeting on Tuesday evening, Strong Towns Steinbach presented to council their thoughts on ways to make Steinbach a more “sustainable, vibrant, and equitable community”. Strong Towns is an advocacy group based in Brainerd, Minnesota, hoping to make cities safe, livable, and inviting. The Strong Towns organization is based on the book