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Solving UA's parking puzzle - The Crimson White
Solving UA's parking puzzle - The Crimson White
For students at The University of Alabama who own cars, purchasing a parking permit is often high on their to-do list before arriving on campus.   Students registered for the fall semester will receive their registration time and date via their Crimson email. Those who registered prior to July 15 will have to wait until...
Solving UA's parking puzzle - The Crimson White
What if the Empire State Building met typical parking requirements?
What if the Empire State Building met typical parking requirements?
Under typical office parking requirements of a conservative 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area, it would require 56 acres or 15 New York City blocks to serve the Empire State Building if the parking were provided in surface lots. Completed in 1931, in the pre-parking urbanism era, the iconic skyscraper is within walking distance of Pennsylvania Station, Grand Central Terminal, Port Authority Bus Terminal, and two subway stations.
What if the Empire State Building met typical parking requirements?