Managing the Curb
Among its many impacts, the pandemic has led to soaring demand for curb space in cities across the country. Now cities from Aspen to Nashville are experimenting with smart zones, apps, and other tools that can help manage this essential piece of urban infrastructure.
Department of Land Conservation and Development : Parking Management : Transportation and Growth Management Program : State of Oregon
An overview of the benefits of good parking management practices and a collection of resources for communities looking to meet many goals by improving parking management. Curated by Oregon’s Transportation and Growth Management program.
How to speed up parking reform in US cities
To get more cities to finally reform their outdated parking standards, we need to stop talking about “taking away” spots and focus on what we all stand to gain, like an accelerated path to ending climate change. That’s one of the findings of a new report from the Institute for Transportation Development and Policy, which examines the perennial question of how to build support for common-sense parking reforms.