Let Us Debate the Latest Controversy over Ski Resort Parking
Beloved for its renegade reputation, Colorado ski area Arapahoe Basin will charge skiers to park next season. Two A-Basin fans debate the decision—and discuss why paid parking represents a dividing line between mega resorts and local ski hills.
Mayor’s office vows to get tougher regarding downtown street parking
The mayor’s office on Thursday announced that street parking enforcement downtown will increase starting at the end of April. “It’s time to step up enforcement for street parking to ensure people patronizing downtown businesses have convenient street parking available to them,” says Mark Armstrong, spokesperson for Mayor Sharon Weston Broome. “It’s critical to the downtown […]
Tempe slashes parking for downtown hi-rises
Tempe might not be trying to put the genie back in the bottle over reduced parking minimums at new downtown high-rise residences in its dense urban core, but it wasn’t quite ready to go to the extreme the developer of a project at College Avenue and Seventh Street had sought, either.
Report offers city, developers strategies to reduce parking downtown - Austin Monitor
A new report from public policy and real estate leaders in Austin recommends a variety of approaches the city can take to reduce the presence and impact of multilevel parking decks in new developments in the downtown core and beyond.…