Nashville 'sidewalk cafe' permit may be extended another year
Bloomberg - How Single-Family Garages Can Ease California's Housing Crisis
Converting Garages for Cars into Housing for People
The United States has a large supply of residential garages that could be converted into affordable apartments. Unfortunately, off-street parking requirements prohibit converting most of these garages for cars into housing for people. Converted garages in single-family neighborhoods are variously called second units, accessory dwelling units, garage apartments, granny flats, and backyard cottages. To convert a garage into an apartment, off-street parking requirements typically force a homeowner to replace the two garage parking spaces with two new parking spaces, plus an additional off-stre...
Zoning to Promote Garage Apartments (pdf)
Converting Garages into Housing (pdf)
Is it time for a permit parking blacklist in Philadelphia?
Councilmember Maria Quiñones-Sánchez is pushing for a tool that might quell parking wars in developing neighborhoods.
Why Is It So Hard For Dallas to Address Affordable Housing? - D Magazine
Amid scandals, setbacks, and few incentives for developers, the city admits it needs to make changes. Now it's time to see whether they finally happen.
Metro Nashville launches Smart Zone to better manage the kerb - Smart Cities World
Equity in Financing the California Transportation Plan (pdf)
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A Commuter's Dilemma: Extra Cash or Free Parking?
Parking Rock Star, Donald Shoup Blasts L.A.’s Parking Policies
Gary Rides Bikes explains how "Cash Out Parking" works. It’s no secret that Livable Streets advocates are big fans of the theories of Donald Shoup. The Shoupista that introduc…
Evaluating cash out
Parking Cash Out (pdf)
Congress Okays Cash Out (pdf)
The Scourge of Free Parking
Even if Southern California spends billions of dollars to build a larger rail system, a big problem will remain: Few commuters will ride the train if their employers continue to offer them free parking.
Parking Cash Out - Executive Summary (pdf)
Opinion: Here's an easy way to fight L.A.'s traffic and boost transit ridership — reward commuters who don't drive
Employer-paid parking is an invitation to drive to work alone.
Quantity versus Quality in Off-Street Parking Requirements (pdf)
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Problems with parking requirements in zoning ordinances
Free Parking or Free Markets (pdf)
Instead of free parking
On-Street Parking Management v. Off-Street Parking Requirements (pdf)
Cutting the cost of parking requirements
Chapter 17 - Putting a Cap on Parking Requirements (pdf)
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Chapter 4 - The Unequal Burden of Parking Requirements (pdf)
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Bloomberg - Parking Reform Will Save the City
The Pseudoscience of Parking Requirements (pdf)
Chapter 3 - The High Cost of Parking Requirements (pdf)
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Chapter 50 - Parking Benefit Districts in Beijing (pdf)
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Chapter 51 - Residential Parking Benefit Districts (pdf)
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