Northstar, CA Responds to Angry Complaints | “Paid Parking Will Improve the Guest Experience”
Northstar California Resort’s recent announcement that they plan to charge for parking at the resort was met so much criticism from patrons that the resort has had to respond to those complai…
Donald Shoup: Why Parking Reform Will Save The City
In light of the Downtown Memphis' Commission's review of downtown parking and ways to make it more effective and efficient, we are posting a commentary by retired UCLA economist Don Shoup, whose 2005 book, The High Cost of Free Parking, is considered the definitive authority on the subject. His recent book, Parking and the City, follows up: At the dawn of the automobile age, suppose Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller had asked how city planners could increase the demand for cars and gasoline. Consider three options. First, divide the city into separate zones (housing here, jobs there, shopp...
Whose curb is it, anyway?
Nine curbside locations around the District will be available to reserve for commercial deliveries starting August 1, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) recently announced. The three-month pilot gives a company called curbFlow authority to manage the zones.
Houston's expansion of market-based parking is a step toward a more walkable city
Houston is probably not destined to be among the world’s most walkable cities. Between the mind-melting heat, the ankle-breaking sidewalks, the criss-crossing freeways and the seemingly endless sprawl, getting around by foot isn’t easy to do. Still, there’s no reason to succumb to nihilism. So I welcomed the Houston City Council’s vote last week expanding the city’s “market-based parking area” to cover parts of Midtown, Montrose and East Downtown, as well as downtown’s Central Business District. It’s a relatively modest reform, to be clear. The change will exempt some new developments in th...
SocketSite™ | Plans to Convert Podium Parking into Dwelling Units
There are currently 228 parking spaces in the podium of the 227-unit Bay Towers building at 388 Beale Street, the majority of which are tucked away behind the vented semi-circles on the third and fourth floors of the 20-story building which was developed in 1999. But plans to remove 44 of the Bay Tower’s parking […]
London lands world's first automatic electric-vehicle parking system | CBC News
Imagine using your smartphone to summon your car to exit the parking garage and pick you up at your front door. It may sound futuristic, but if a new system unveiled in London Wednesday is a success, the option may be just around the corner.
Daimler and Bosch’s driverless parking gets OK to operate without human supervision
We’ve reached a new milestone in the long road to getting AI-based self-driving systems to be truly autonomous. Daimler and Bosch have now received approval from German regulators to run their automated driverless parking function without a human safety driver behind the wheel — making this the world’s first fully automated driverless SAE Level 4 parking […]
What can our cities do about sprawl, congestion and pollution? Tip: scrap car parking
The global trend is to free up valuable city space by reducing parking and promoting other forms of transport that don't clog roads and pollute the air. Australian cities are still putting cars first.
Less Parking, More City
“The right to have access to every building in the city by private motorcar in an age when everyone possesses such a vehicle is the right to destroy the city.” — Lewis Mumford, 1958 One of the unintended consequences of car-oriented cities is the sprawl created by cars that no...